Category | Coursework | Subject | Management |
University | University of Huddersfield | Module Title | BMO0273 Fundamentals of Leadership |
This assignment comprises a number of short tasks, which should be presented as one report with the use of subheadings (see below). You must draw on academic research and theory to outline and present best practice in relation to leadership skills, behaviours and attitudes.
Your leadership report must include the following sections:
1. Title page
2. Contents page
3. What is effective leadership?
- In this introduction, you should introduce (define) the concept of leadership and effective leadership
4. Using power and influence as a leader
- Selecting two of the following, critically discuss the extent to which they are appropriate power bases for a leader to adopt:
Reward power base, Coercive power base, Legitimate power base, Expert power base, Referent power base
5. Approaches to leadership
- Critically discuss the extent to which situational leadership is an effective approach for leaders to adopt
6. Leadership communication
- Critically discuss best-practice of effective leadership communication
- Evaluate the challenges of leading virtual teams
7. Leadership and motivating others
- Select one of the following, and critically argue why it is an effective theory of motivation used by Leaders:
Needs theories, Reinforcement theory, Expectancy theory, Equity theory, Goal setting theory
8. Leadership and emotional intelligence
a. Critically discuss the role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership
9. Conclusion
b. Bring your manual together and end with 150 words of advice which a leader should follow in order to be effective
10.Reference list
This section is for information only.
The assessment task outlined above has been designed to address specific validated learning outcomes for this module. It is useful to keep in mind that these are the things you need to show in this piece of work.
On completion of this module, students will need to demonstrate:
On completion of this module students will:
1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of leadership style, skills, leading people and leadingin a diverse context
2. Demonstrate a critical awareness of the application of leadership theory to different organisational contexts
Ability On completion of this module students will:
4. Express and justify an individual perspective on leadership approaches in business organisations.
5. Communicate complex information appropriately in writing using academic conventions
Please note these learning outcomes are not additional questions.
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