BMIB5003 Operations and Supply Chain Management, Assignment 3, UK

Published: 09 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University De Montfort University Leicester Module Title BMIB5003 Operations and Supply Chain Management

Assessment Information

This assignment is an individual assignment. The assignment will be in the form of a 3,000- word essay.

Choose an industry or sector and explore the sustainability challenges related to its global sourcing practices. Take into account the following points in your essay:
1)    Introduction, research scope and rationale:

  • Begin with an introductory section.
  • Discuss the essay's scope and explain the reasoning behind selecting this particular scope.

2)    Situation analysis

  • Apply relevant theories or use tools and techniques covered in this module to identify operational or supply chain issues within the chosen industry/sector, focusing on its global sourcing methods.
  • Collect primary or secondary data to assist in evaluating the identified issues.

3)    Problem-solving:

  • Discuss potential solutions that the selected industry/sector could implement to address the sustainability challenges, drawing support from relevant literature, theories, tools, or techniques covered in this module.
  •  Provide a well-founded justification for why you consider these solutions appropriate for this specific industry/sector. Assess the potential outcomes and impacts of the suggested solutions on the identified problems.

4)    Conclusion: Provide a comprehensive summary of the key points and findings discussed in the essay.

This assignment is designed to assess the following learning outcomes:

(LO1) Use academic scholarship to systematically and critically assess the strategic objectives of operations and supply chain.
(LO2) Critically appraise and adapt to the tangibles, intangibles and information within the global supply chain.
(LO3) Critically assess and advise on the capacity planning and process design decisions related to the production of goods and service.
(LO5) To develop a conceptual framework for tackling the opportunities and challenges in supply chain and operations management.

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