BMIB5003 Operations and Supply Chain Management, Assignment 2, De Montfort University Leicester

Published: 10 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University De Montfort University Leicester Module Title BMIB5003 Operations and Supply Chain Management

Assessment Information – What you need to do

This assignment is an individual assignment. The assignment will be in the form of a 2,000- word report to reflect on your experience completing the assessment one.

Take into account the following points in your report:
1)    Introduction

  • Explain why is reflection on practice important. Connect to learning theories where possible.
  • Discuss areas you are particularly focusing on in the report and why these are important and interesting to explore

2)    Main body

  • Use further sub-headings to break down into different areas
  • Discuss how the team collectively established specific approach(es) concerning the selected topics in the Assessment One
  • Discuss what change as the project progressed and its link to relevant theory in relation to both success and failure. Use detailed examples from the situation analysis and problem-solving components to support your arguments.

3)    Conclusion:

  • Present key learning points from the project process and the consultancy presentation
  • Present your action plan to take this learning forward into your future career.

This assignment is designed to assess the following learning outcomes:

(LO2) Critically appraise and adapt to the tangibles, intangibles and information within the global supply chain.
(LO3) Critically assess and advise on the capacity planning and process design decisions related to the production of goods and service.

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