BMGT7075 Integrated Business Reserch Project Pathway , Assignment 1, Oxford Brookes Business School

Published: 19 Dec, 2024
Category Assignment Subject Business
University Oxford Brookes Business School Module Title BMGT7075 Integrated Business Reserch Project Pathway
Assignment Types International Case study (level 7)
Assignment Number 1

Coursework Brief 1: International Case

Assessment instructions

Assignment 1: International Case Study (60%)

Assignment Questions:
1. Critically evaluate Mondelez International’s external and competitive environment specifically in the chocolate industry and its effects on the company’s current and future strategic position.
2. Critically evaluate the challenges that Mondelez International has as a mass producer of chocolate in managing its sustainability approaches.
3. Based on your research, give recommendations to enhance Mondelez International’s current and future success in the chocolate industry.

You are expected to use all of the following readings in answering the question. Note: this is just a starting point. You will have to do substantive further research to be successful on this module.

● Tapper, J. (2023) 'Brands to avoid': Mars and Cadbury among chocolate firms criticised in ethics report, The Guardian, 2 December. Available at: Brands to avoid mars cadbury chocolate firms criticised ethics report
● Poelmans, E. and Rousseau, S. (2016), "How do chocolate lovers balance taste and ethical considerations?", British Food Journal, Vol. 118 No. 2, pp. 343-361.
● Chocolate For Granted, Forbes. Available at: Reasons not to take chocolate for granted
● Jenifer, J. (2022). Tony’s Chocolonely: The Ethical Chocolate Brand. Amity Research Centers (You can find this case study on the module’s reading resources on Moodle)

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