BMG705 Global Business in Context, Coursework, University of Ulster

Published: 13 Jan, 2025
Category Coursework Subject Business
University University of Ulster Module Title BMG705 Global Business in Context

Summary Assessment Information

This module will be assessed via two items of assessment
Type Assessment method and submission date: Percentage (%) and word count equivalent Feedback due date
Coursework 1

Group Presentation

Week 8 (Week commencing 25/11/24) & Week 9 (Week commencing 02/12/24)

Group presentation slides to be submitted before 23.59hr on Friday 06 December 2024 via Blackboard Turnitin

30% (20mins – 15mins presentation 5mins Q&A +Where possible 4 weeks post submission date
Coursework 2 Literature Review to be submitted before 12noon on Monday 20th January 2025 via Blackboard Turnitin 70% (2000 words literature review and 500words research learning summary)  + Where possible 4 weeks post submission date

Assessment Guidance

1)   Word count includes introduction through to conclusion and research learning summary (for literature review) but excludes reference list and appendices.
2)  Your work should include references to relevant journal articles and other good quality information sources and should be properly laid out using the Harvard system of referencing. More detailed guidance is available in the ‘Guide to Referencing in the Harvard Style’. We encourage you to make good use of all the support services offered by your Faculty Subject Librarian, further details are in the Learning Support Services Section.
3)  You should refer to the assessment criteria to provide fuller details of the marking criteria for each classification band.
4)  In addition, you should refer to the standard assessment guidelines as presented in your Course Handbook/Support Area, this includes guidance and policies on referencing style, plagiarism, etc.
5)  We recommend the use of Studiosity which offers constructive feedback on draft written submissions within 24 hrs or access support from our ACE team.
6)  Coursework must be submitted by the dates specified. Coursework submitted after the deadline, without prior EC1 (extenuating circumstance) approval, is not accepted as a valid submission. For further guidance on the late submission of coursework, please see the course handbook.
7)  Non-compliance with the word limit will result in a penalty being applied in accordance with the University Word Limit Policy which can be found on your Course Support Area in Blackboard.

Coursework 1

Assessment Task – Group Presentation

This will comprise of a 20mins (15mins presentation plus 5mins Q&A) timed group live presentation (groups will be finalised by the end of week 2) with presentations to take place in Week 8 (Week commencing 25/11/24) & Week 9 (Week commencing 02/12/24). Group presentation slides/cover page to be submitted before 23.59hr on Friday 06th December 2024 via Blackboard Turnitin. A group member (leader) should submit all slides, every other member should submit just the cover page. Cover page should have presentation title, campus (Birmingham/London), group number (e.g., Group A1), group members names, student ID and percentage contribution made to the presentation by each group member (equal participation means 25% for each member) Groups will consist of no more than 4 students with a mix of gender and nationalities – diverse mix a must!

Presentation Brief:

Assume the role of an international consulting team working for a government agency that is seeking to develop new international market opportunities for an industry/sector of your choice between UK and another country.
Students are encouraged to select their home country to compare as either home/host country.

  • Using the Cage Model (presented in week 1), your presentation will focus on:
  • The distance (actual/perceived) between your selected country with the UK, highlighting the opportunities and challenges for your chosen industry/sector.
  • Each member of the group is expected to contribute fully to the development of the group presentation and perform an element of the presentation.
  •  A peer review detailing percentage contribution of each group member should be shown as part of cover page information.

Coursework 2

LITERATURE REVIEW – Individual Written Assignment

Completing a literature review is a very important academic skill and this assignment will help you develop your critical writing and analytical skills which is a key requirement for level 7. This piece of coursework is specific, and it is very important that you follow the guidelines closely.

The title of the literature review is as follows:

Critically evaluate the opportunities and challenges faced by a sector of your choice because of changing forces within the global landscape in 2024.

Use and cite examples to support your answer, you may seek academic writing and referencing support from the ACE team and library team respectively.

This coursework will develop critical thinking skills as well as provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate an understanding of contemporary research sources in international business, thereby developing a scholarly understanding of the subject area.


Coursework 2 – BRIEF

  • A global (not national or country) perspective is expected in engaging with chosen sector for this assessment. The assessment must not be misconstrued as a mere PESTLE analysis!
  • Where group presentation was premised on a sector (not industry), same or different sector (not industry) can be the basis of the literature review.
  • The assignment takes the form of a word-processed literature review.
  • Detailed assessment guidance will be given in Weeks 1 & 2.
  • Completed assignments must be submitted in Word format via the Turnitin Dropbox in your Blackboard Course Area before 12noon on Monday 20th January 2025. as outlined in the Key Assessment Information Table above.

All submitted assignments should have the file name:
i)    "SurnameFirstNameBNumber"
ii)    e.g., BrownJohnB00001234_Literature Review.

  • The review should be no more than 2500 words (+/- 10%) made up of 2,000word Literature Review and 500word research summary
  • The 500-word research summary should provide experiential account of what was learnt from any five of the recommended readings on the module (See assessment’s section on learning resources further down). A simple summary table with Title, Author(s), Publication Year and Learning Summary can be used for provision of research summary.
  • Assessment should be completed on an individual basis.
  • There is a folder of resources in the section of this assessment brief titled learning resources from which students must select 10 relevant articles (peer review research and book chapters) as the starting point for your research. Specific minimum numbers to be used from each group of resources are provided on this list. Carefully look through it.
  • Read and critically review key points and insights from each source to help develop your literature review.
  • The 10 sources chosen from the recommended list must be supplemented with academic and data sources introduced in the module and at least 10 additional sources (selected across peer reviewed research, trade industry articles and news stories from reliable industry sources) with publication dates between December 2022 and December 2024 to develop your selected topic discussion as part of your literature review.

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