BM9718 / LD9718 / AT9718 Research Methods and Analytics for Business Practice

Published: 29 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University Northumbria University Module Title BM9718 / LD9718 / AT9718 Research Methods and Analytics for Business Practice

Assessment Overview

Assignment 001 Research proposal - This is an individual 2,000 word extended research proposal synopsis. A
comprehensive illustration of the proposed project in any of Masters’ dissertation, consultancy project or management

Assignment 002 Poster presentation- This is an individual assignment: the poster must include a brief illustration of the
proposed project in any of Masters’ dissertation, consultancy project or management enquiry.

Assignment 001: Outline Brief 

Using a range of available professional and academic tools, building on the contents of your poster presentation. you are required to complete your 2,000-word extended research proposal synopsis. A comprehensive illustration of the proposed project in any of Masters’ dissertation, consultancy project or management enquiry. Your research proposal must include comprehensive elements of the following:

  • Intro / overview giving background and context in relation to your dissertation, consultancy project or management enquiry. 
  • Delivery of a summarised literature review and research gaps. 
  • Delivery of the research method adopted in your dissertation, consultancy project or management enquiry.
  • A conclusion providing an overall summary of the key points made and a summing up of what might hope to be achieved through the dissertation, consultancy project or management enquiry. 

Assignment 002: Outline Brief 

Using a range of available professional and academic tools, you will showcase your poster presentation in your seminar session in either week 9,10 or 11. The poster must include the following elements:

  • Intro / overview giving background and context in relation to your dissertation, consultancy project or management enquiry. 
  • Delivery of a summarised literature review and research gaps. 
  • Delivery of the research method adopted in your dissertation, consultancy project or management enquiry. 
  • A conclusion providing an overall summary of the key points made and a summing up of your proposal and what might be achieved through the dissertation, consultancy project or management enquiry. 
  • Engaging design, use of graphics, images, colour and other design elements to attract the reader.

Module Learning Outcomes (MLOs)

At the end of the module the student will:

  • An understanding of the value of research methods in completing a Masters’ dissertation, consultancy project or
    management enquiry. [MLO1]
  • Skills of data collection and analysis relevant to their chosen research topic. [MLO2]
  • Reflect on your own ethical values. [MLO3]

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