BM4106 Critical Issues in Business and Management Research Assessment University of Central Lancashire

Published: 05 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Business
University University of Central Lancashire Module Title Critical Issues in Business and Management Research

Each student to answer the following questions. Explain the aims of the research described in the article by:

  • Providing a brief summary of the aims of the research
  • Outlining why it was important to undertake the research.
  • Outlining what contribution the article has made to theory and practice

You may wish to use the article abstract as a starting point, but include other material drawn from the article’s introduction to help you with your answer.

Once all students in the group have presented their introductory presentation, we will then consider the following questions.

Group Discussion Questions

  • In the article, Cotterill et al, (2020) refer to the term ‘resilience’. Using the Framework outlined by Butler et al, (2017). Briefly explain the term resilience, briefly describe Butler et al’ s (2017) framework and explain the significance of this framework to the research.   
  • The article starts with an ‘abstract’ Why do authors of academic articles write an abstract? Explain the difference between an abstract and an introduction.
  • Briefly explain the methodology utilised for the research. 
  • Discuss three main findings from the study. 
  • What have you learnt that you can apply to your future research project?

After the tutor has asked each question, the tutor will invite students to give their answers. This does not need to be in the same order in which people did their presentations. To allow each student to have the first opportunity to answer a question, at the tutor’s discretion, we may vary the order in which students answer.

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