Category |
Assignment |
Subject |
Management |
University |
Amity University (IN) London |
Module Title |
BKM4112 Introduction To Business |
1. Purpose of the Assessments
The assessment aims to demonstrate that the students understand the key principles and concepts on which business, management and finance practice are based. It also covers the role of corporate governance in organisations and the ethical issues faced by organisations and the individuals in them.
2. Assessment Tasks
2.1 AS1 Presentation Assignment (15-20 minutes presentation), weighting 50% of the mark (LO1)
In a group of 4-5 students (maximum), you are required to prepare a 15 minute presentation on the following topic:
By referring to relevant examples and data from TWO different industries in the UK, discuss TWO of the following type of market structures:
1. Perfect Competition
2. Monopolies & Monopolistic Competition
3. Oligopolies
Produce up to a maximum of SIX slides in total for your presentation, to be uploaded in advance to Turnitin (one submission per group, all members of the group should upload individually the slides on Moodle).
• Always refence any material you take from other sources.
• Make sure all your information is current and relevant.
• All materials need to be discussed within the team, and a consensus decision made.
• It is beneficial to appoint a team co-ordinator for this group task, to make sure everyone knows exactly what they are doing, and that all deadlines are met. This student should then consolidate the information in good English for both the oral and slide presentation.
• Once each team member has completed their tasks, then you need to evaluate the information, and check for any gaps or errors.
• All team members must decide the most relevant information to be included in the presentation, and that all of the brief has been met and you have not missed the point of the exercise.
2.2 AS2 Individual Reflective Essay, 1800 words, weighting 50% of the mark (LO2 – LO3)
Waterstones Booksellers Limited, trading as Waterstones is a British book retailer that operates 311 shops, mainly in the United Kingdom and also other nearby countries. As of February 2014, it employs around 3,500 staff in the UK and Europe.
- Discuss the structure and ownership of the organisation, its general objectives, and the characteristics of the business within the market it operates in the UK. In your analysis, discuss the role of good corporate governance and ethics in the management of the business.
- Prepare a concise PESTEL analysis of the company. From your findings discuss the opportunities and threats which currently face Waterstones in the UK.
- Conduct a Porter’s Five Forces analysis of the UK bookseller sector in 2023.
Word Limit: The assessment should be limited to 1,800 words (+/- 10%). If you end up with more than 1,980 words or less than 1,620 words you must revise the text judiciously to deliver work within the stated limits.
Style requirements: Except for the Titles and subtitles, you are not allowed to highlight text, which will be in Arial size 11, and without indentations. The main title is highlighted in size 16, and the subtitles are highlighted in size 14. The margins should be justified, not aligned to the left. Additionally, the space between lines should be single and the space between paragraphs should be double. The work will be in a form requiring an introduction, the main body with subtitles, and a conclusion.
Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes being addressed through these first assignments:
• LO 1 – Describe the nature, general objectives, and characteristics of different forms of business and the context in which they operate.
• LO 2 – Describe different business functions and tasks essential for an organization to meet its objectives and identify the role of governance and ethics in the management of businesses.
• LO 3 – Explain the purpose of financial information produced by businesses and the role that the finance function plays in business performance.