BIOL5148M Research Planning and Scientific Communication Summative Assessment 1 Brief

Published: 10 Feb, 2025
Category Coursework Subject Nursing
University ........ Module Title BIOL5148M Research Planning and Scientific Communication

Aim/rationale of this assessment

The aim of this assessment is to help you understand how different experimental procedures are performed and integrated to produce the data presented in a figure from a paper you have studied with your coursework surgery tutor. You are asked to present the strategic approach YOU would adopt to generate this data in the form of a flow chart. This will develop your ability to

* Interpret the different types of data presented in research papers
* Understand the theoretical basis of selected methods appropriate to your course of study
*Consider the sequence of experimental activities required to generate published results
*Critically appraise the data and consider appropriate controls
* Communicate your approach in the form of a clear flowchart

When you come to plan your own research e.g. in your research project you will need to understand the methods and workflows in relevant papers, critically appraise them and integrate them into your own planning.

This assessment contributes to module learning outcomes 
1 To identify, evaluate and analyse the content of scientific literature as appropriate to the topic

3 To interpret scientific data and explain the experimental processes that resulted in that data


Full written details for completing this assessment are provided in the Assessment Guidance for this work which you will find on the module Minerva page. The introductory lecture for the module will also provide explanation of the work. You will have an opportunity to discuss the task in the first coursework surgery and present a draft for feedback in the second coursework surgery. To get the most out of these sessions please read the Assessment Guidance and the paper your Coursework Surgery tutor has assigned BEFORE the first coursework surgery.

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