Category | Assignment | Subject | Management |
University | University of Leeds | Module Title | BIOL5148M Grant Proposal Pro-forma For A Two Year Research Programme |
You are expected to write a research proposal for a two year project based around a topic assigned by your tutor based on a scientific paper (available on the module Minerva site). Your proposal should loosely build upon and extend the work described in that paper. Your proposal should address the following areas:
1) What is your research question and hypothesis?
2) Relevant background information on the project area
3) Why is your research important scientifically? What is its value to society? Identify the key beneficiaries and the ways in which they should benefit.
4) Programme of your research, including milestones and tentative timeline, will constitute main basis for assessment.
One approach is to define a set of 3-4 Objectives that you wish to complete, but make sure that the Objectives are not so interdependent that if Objective 1 fails then you would not be able to undertake any further research……such a proposal would not be funded!! Structure your Programme of Work around these 3-4 Objectives, ideally using them as headings and explaining how you will achieve the experimental programme, what contingency factors you have considered in case of difficulties and what outcomes you expect.
5) A brief statement on ethical considerations
6) Relevant references (usually not more than 20).
Carefully proofread your proposal and pay attention to presentation and labelling of figures and tables. A proforma and the marking scheme are available on theBIOL5148M module Minerva site which will provide you with further information regarding each criteria listed above.
Stuck on your BIOL5148M Grant Proposal assignment? Our expert assignment help by UK writers are here to guide you! If you need help crafting a compelling research proposal, we can assist you in identifying your research question and hypothesis, along with providing the relevant background information to support your project. Our professionals will also help you highlight the scientific importance of your research, demonstrating its value to society and pinpointing key beneficiaries. When you ask, "Can someone write my dissertation for me?", we also offer MMW226465 Coursework 2- Individual Assignment with comprehensive support, from outlining your research program to creating detailed milestones and timelines for assessment. Our team will ensure that every critical aspect of your proposal is covered to meet your university’s requirements. Plus, we provide dissertation examples to help you understand how to structure your work. With our assignment help by UK writers, you can submit a top-quality proposal and confidently move forward in your research journey.
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