Category | Assignment | Subject | Science |
University | Module Title | BIOL5126M Practical Bioinformatics |
You are required to analyse a protein sequence by bioinformatics methods. What is its likely function? If it does not have a structure can you determine a model for the structure? What does the model tell you about its function? It might also be a "hypothetical" protein, where the structure has already been determined by a structural genomics consortium. In which case can you use sequence and known structure to determine protein function? You are not restricted to methods covered in the lectures, but you should focus on methods with the general aim of prediction of protein function and/or structure from sequence.
You can either request a sequence to the module manager or choose your own.
If you chose your own sequence, this will be your first task. This may take you some time and some preliminary analysis using the bioinformatics tools you have learnt about in this module. The second task is to find whatever you can on that sequence (see "hints" below). Somewhat more is expected from those who have not chosen their own sequence! The third is a presentation of your results in the style of a scientific paper.
There should be an abstract of up to 250 words. An introduction, detailing what you have done, and why it is interesting, perhaps with a brief literature review if relevant. You are not expected to give details for the methods you have used, but do cite primary references if you use them.
The remainder of the paper should be:
• Results and Discussion section giving relevant results and discussing their significance;
• Conclusions section where you review the significance of your results and comment on the usefulness of the methods used;
• Bonus marks justification.
• References.
The deadline for this assignment is 12 p.m. on 13th January 2025. Electronic submission is compulsory. This should be in the form of a Word, or pdf document.
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