BHS017-1 Skills in Biomedical Science Assignment 01, Skills Portfolio 2024-25

Published: 11 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Science
University University of Bedfordshire Module Title BHS017-1 Skills in Biomedical Science

What am I required to do in this assignment?

This assessment is a portfolio assessment designed to assess the different aspects of the material taught on this unit. The portfolio consists of 3 sections that all need to be submitted through the appropriate links on BREO before the deadline of 10am on 20th December 2024.

Section 1: Data handling exercise (25%) For this section of your Portfolio, you will complete a series of activities to test your ability to process, present and analyse data. You will be provided with individual numerical data and will be required to perform descriptive statistics and present this in appropriate formats using Microsoft Excel. The completed data handling exercise should be uploaded to the appropriate assignment link on BREO before the deadline of 10am on 20th December 2024.

Section 2: Practical skills (25%) (on 26th November 2024) You will be required to complete two exercises in the laboratory, independently and under academic supervision. You will pipette a series of specific volumes onto a scale and record the values on the sheet provided. You will also prepare and view a sample under a light microscope then draw and annotate what you observe on the sheet provided. This sheet, when complete should be signed by the supervising member of staff. The sheet should then be scanned and uploaded to BREO.

Section 3: Biomedical Science activity (50%) You will use an AI generating product (i.e., Chat GPT, etc) of your own choice to identify a future potential use of AI within the field of Biomedical Science and submit the components of Tasks 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 (See Below), as a single document through the appropriate link on BREO before the deadline of 10am on 20th December 2024.

Task 1:

You will ask the AI generating tool to provide a list of potential future uses and you will choose which one potential use to work with (Your choice must be indicated to the unit coordinator by the end of tutorial session 4).

Task 2:

 Using the generating AI tools, you will ask the tool to write a 500-800 word essay on the advantages & disadvantages of the chosen use. 

Task 3:

You will prepare short notes from AI generated essay (I will discuss how the students should do this in one of the tutorials). These notes will help you prepare your "original" piece of work for submission (Task 5).

Task 4:

You will search using Library resources (Discover) to identify a minimum of 6 suitable primary source published articles to support the arguments produced by the AI generating tool (15 MARKS) (These will be submitted as a Bibliography (Reference Listing) with Task 5). A Guide to Referencing - | University of Bedfordshire and Ensure that all of your references are also cited in your text at the appropriate point.

Task 5:

You will then produce a 1000 word critical summary of your findings on the potential use (this should be written in your own words - without the use of AI generating tools) with inclusion of an appropriately provided bibliography following the University Harvard System of Referencing.

Task 6: Reflection: 

You will identify and list five (5) professional skills (scientific, laboratory or transferrable) that you have gained over this current semester and state where you can demonstrate these in your work/studies so far
Considering your performance this semester, briefly outline two areas for improvement in your work and state what you will do to improve this next semester 

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