Category | Assignment | Subject | Business Management |
University | Module Title | BFS1004 Global Business Management |
Write a 1000-word critical report on one of the topics below. Incorporate relevant and recommended reading/citations and use real business examples.
You will be assessed based on your use of relevant and appropriate content from the module and your broader research. You also MUST integrate the relevant ‘Academic reading’ or citations/references in your discussion of the global issue.
Choose ONE from the Four topics. Develop a report that covers the chosen global issue or subject and discuss how your solution is unique or similar to an AI output on the same topic. You MUST integrate the relevant ‘academic reading’ in your discussion of the global issue, with additional appropriate knowledge, evidence/references and relevant theories/concepts from the module.
Using the desirability, viability and feasibility (DVF) framework, evaluate three business solutions for solving the sustainability issues arising from the use of fossil fuels. At least one of your solutions should include climate technology or degrowth and conclude with the most promising solution for businesses to adopt. Instruct generative AI to evaluate your chosen solutions and proffer the most suitable solution and its rationale for businesses. Compare and critically discuss your original analysis and the AI’s output. To what extent does AI’s output align with yours or change your mind about your analysis?
Introduction of the global issue and its consequences.
Strengths and weaknesses of three different solutions to the problem
Evaluation of the business solutions using DVF framework.
Discussion of your most recommended solution
Comparison of your final solutions and AI’s final solution
Appendix: AI’s output (a clear screenshot is acceptable) and screenshots of two completed online activities (yours posts on the discussion forum).
Based on the Walmart case study, Walmart in Germany: 5 Reasons They Failed | Better Marketing, to what extend should businesses localise or standardise their practices? Instruct a generative AI to answer the question ‘to what extent should businesses standardise or localise their practices’? Critically discuss its output in comparison to your analysis and incorporate two unique perspectives that the AI may have missed and why. With the aid of a cultural framework, eg. Hofstede, what might Walmart have done differently?
Introduction and summary of case study
Critical evaluation of the extent to which business should localise or standardise their practices in their subsidiaries
Critical discussion of the AI’s solution to the question, the extent you agree or disagree with AI’s responses
With the aid of a cultural framework, what should Walmart have done differently?
Appendix: AI’s output (a clear screenshot is acceptable) and screenshots of two completed online activities (yours posts on the discussion forum).
Choose a multinational corporation in the UK that also has a non-European subsidiary, or any example discussed in class and critically evaluate their international HR strategy and staffing strategy. That is, discuss the merits and demerits of their chosen strategies (incorporate concepts covered in the module). Instruct generative AI to discuss the company’s international HR and staffing strategies and compare its output with your analysis to decipher similarities and differences. Based on your analysis, what advice can you offer the MNC?
Introduction: overview of the MNC and one of its subsidiaries
Critical discussion of its international HR strategy; either their standardisation or localisation strategy
Critical evaluation of the MNC’s staffing strategy
Comparison of your analysis with AI’s output
Recommendation (relevant to the chosen subsidiary) and Conclusion
Appendix: AI’s output (a clear screenshot is acceptable) and two completed online activities (yours posts on the discussion forum).
Data Privacy is important in today’s digital world and global businesses are often legally or ethically required or expected to protect their customers data. Critically discuss its importance and offer three solutions to solving or preventing issues of data privacy invasion or violation. Instruct generative AI to offer three solutions to the issue of data privacy invasion or violation and critically discuss the similarities or differences of the AI’s solution and yours. With the aid of an ethical theory, discuss the most suitable rationale for data privacy or solution to mitigating/resolving issues of privacy invasion.
Introduction: Data Privacy and its significance
Consequences of invasion/violation for businesses and victims
Business example (violation or protection tactic)
Critical discussion of three solutions to resolve the issue of invasion/violation (300 words)
Ethical theory and justification for the best solution
Comparison of your analysis and AI’s output
Appendix: AI’s output (a clear screenshot is acceptable) and screenshots of two completed online activities (yours posts on the discussion forum).
The number of words per section is only a guide, students should use their discretion to include relevant points/words in each section.
Use short and relevant headings, proofread your work, and ensure your paragraphs are of proportional lengths.
References and Appendices: You must include references to relevant sources of information (see note 1, below) in your report. You are also strongly encouraged to include appendices with tables and/or figures to justify your report’s argument (see note 3, below).
The Assessment Criteria are shown as shown below. Your tutor will discuss how your work will be assessed/marked and will explain how the assessment criteria apply to this piece of work. These criteria have been designed for your level of study.
These criteria will be used to mark your work and will be used to support the electronic feedback you receive on your marked assignment. Before submission, check that you have tried to meet the requirements of the higher-grade bands to the best of your ability. Please note that the marking process involves academic judgement and interpretation within the marking criteria.
The Learning Innovation Development Centre can help you to understand and use the assessment criteria. To book an appointment, either visit them on The Street in the Charles Sikes Building or email them on
This section is for information only.
The assessment task outlined above has been designed to address specific validated learning outcomes for this module. It is useful to keep in mind that these are the things you need to show in this piece of work.
On completion of this module, students will need to demonstrate:
Demonstrate knowledge and understandings of current global issues, and awareness of the integrated nature of these issues.
Develop a critical awareness of the impact of global issues on business and management in an integrated manner.
Appreciate how individuals, organisations and businesses could influence the broader global environment.
Work effectively within a group of peers.
Conduct data and information search via a range of sources and evaluate their appropriateness based on research purposes.
Develop structured and coherent arguments in writing.
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