BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Enterprise : Planning and Presenting a Micro-Enterprise Idea

Published: 28 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Business
University Module Title BEN02 Business


This assessment may be given to learners as soon as it is received. It is for use with the May 2025 – June 2025 moderation series. Please refer to the Administrative Support Guide for further information and mark submission deadlines.

Instructions to Learners
You should read carefully the information given in the vocational context and each task section of this assignment before starting work. Tasks often link to one another, so it is important to make sure you understand all tasks before starting the assignment.

The assignment will take approximately:

4 hours of monitored preparation and 5 hours of formal supervision to complete Task 1.
2 hours of monitored preparation and 2 hours of formal supervision to complete Task 2.
These timings are for guidance only but should be used as an indication of how long to spend on each task. Your teacher will advise you when it is time to move from one task to the next.

You will have 6 hours of monitored preparation time prior to undertaking Tasks 1 and 2. Your teacher will tell you when you should complete the monitored preparation and when formal supervision for the tasks will begin.

Based on your preparation, you may produce notes to refer to when completing Tasks 1 and 2. Your notes may be up to six sides of A4 paper. They must be digital or hard copy and may be handwritten or typed. If word processed, the font size must be 10 point minimum.

Your notes should be in bullet or annotation form and cannot include:

Completed or part-completed business plans

A completed or part-completed break-even calculation, profit and loss statement or cash-flow forecast Full paragraphs or extended sentences.

For completion of the profit and loss, cash-flow forecast and break-even calculation to be included in your business plan, your notes can include the following figures:

  • forecast sales quantity
  • price per item
  •  list of all variable costs
  •  list of all fixed costs
  • sources of funding.

You must work independently and should not share your work with other learners. All work must be your own and you must sign a declaration of authenticity to confirm this. If group work or collaboration is permitted, you must produce your own independent responses and evidence for the tasks.

Any sources of information, ideas, text, audio and/or visual assets created by others that you include in your work must be clearly identified and referenced. Using the work of others as your own or without proper acknowledgement is considered plagiarism and can result in disqualification from the assessment.

You may ask your teacher for support if you have questions about the requirements of tasks, what evidence you need to produce and any resources you are allowed to access such as access to the internet to source audio/visual content. They cannot give you feedback about how to improve your work or guide you to solutions to any questions or problems in the tasks.

Vocational context

You have thought about becoming an entrepreneur and now is your chance to prove your entrepreneurial skills! You will need to be creative and come up with two new and exciting ideas for your own micro-enterprise activity.

Your ideas must come from at least one of the following categories:

writing and publishing
cleaning and maintenance
food and drink.
Your ideas must meet the following requirements:

fit within at least one of the categories above be within the budget of £50 (this does not need to be repaid and you must be able to start and run your micro-enterprise idea using this amount)be appropriate for a 14–16 year old to carry out.

This assignment will help you choose one of your ideas, plan for the one idea you have chosen and then review it.


Task 1

Task 1a – Choosing an idea

Conduct your own research to generate two realistic ideas for your own micro-enterprise.

Using your research, you need to choose one idea and reject the other. Produce a report that considers your two micro-enterprise ideas that meet the requirements.

Your report must include:

two micro-enterprise ideas that fully meet the requirements listed above
detailed reasons for the likely success of both micro-enterprise ideas
supported judgements, using relevant research, as to why you have chosen one micro-enterprise idea and rejected the other.

Task 1b – Planning your chosen micro-enterprise idea
Using further research into your chosen idea, complete the Pearson business plan template for your chosen micro-enterprise idea, ensuring all sections are complete, accurate and realistic.

Task 2

Task 2a – Presenting your business plan Produce and deliver an electronic presentation that summarises all elements of your business plan.

The production of your presentation must include:

  • A summary of all elements of your business plan with a focus on the most
    important information
  • An accurate use of business terminology and a visual
  •  Presentation that is appropriate to the micro-enterprise idea.
    The delivery of your presentation must be visually recorded, and you must use accurate and effective verbal communication and engaging non-verbal communication. (12 marks)

Task 2b – Reviewing the presentation

Watch the recording of your presentation delivery. Produce a report that reviews the production and delivery of your presentation and recommends improvements.
Your report must include:

  • detailed and supported judgements about the strengths of the production and delivery of your presentation
  • detailed and supported judgements about the weaknesses of the production and delivery of your presentation
  • detailed and supported recommendations for improvements you could make to the production and delivery of your presentation.
    (12 marks)

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