BE969-7-SP-Design a Qualitative Research Mini-Project Based on Secondary Data

Published: 27 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University University of Essex Module Title BE969-7-SP Research Methods in Management and Marketing

Research Question

How do CEOs envision the future with artificial intelligence?  

You are asked to:  

i) design a qualitative research mini-project based on secondary data to answer this question and explain its limitations.  

ii) conduct either a) thematic analysis or b) narrative analysis on the sample chosen for  your dataset  

iii) Report on your findings by explaining the themes and providing excerpts from data iv) Provide a table in the appendix, summarizing your systematic coding of the data (this does not count in your word count).  

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“1.1 The University, the Students’ Union and the University’s Partner Institutions expect all


- to behave with honesty and integrity about coursework, examinations and other  assessed work;  

- to be familiar with and act by the conventions of academic writing including  appropriate referencing of sources and acknowledgement of assistance;  

- to show an understanding of ethical considerations and be compliant with the relevant  University Procedures.  

A student who does not comply with any of these requirements (either intentionally or by negligence) may be charged with having committed an academic offence.  

1.2 The following are some examples of academic offences and do not constitute an  exhaustive list:  

a. plagiarism, that is, using or copying the work of others (whether written, printed or in any  other form) without proper acknowledgement in any assignment, examination or other  assessed work;  

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e. falsifying data or evidence;  

f. unethical academic practice, for example, conducting research without obtaining ethical  approval from the University where such approval is required, or the unauthorised use of  information that has been confidentially acquired;  

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A student suspected of helping another student commit an academic offence may be investigated  and dealt with in accordance with the University’s Code of Student Conduct. Action may also be  taken against maliciously false allegations of academic offences.” 


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