BCM104 Contemporary Marketing Principles, Assignment, Amity University

Published: 28 Dec, 2024
Category Assignment Subject Marketing
University Amity University Module Title BCM104 Contemporary Marketing Principles

Assignment Brief

1. Purpose of the Assessment

Summative assessment will focus on the ability of students to draw conclusions from all aspects influencing and affecting marketing. The module will be assessed by a written assignment and an individual presentation.

2. Assessment Task

2.1 Oral assessment (poster presentation), weighting 30% of the mark. (LO3)

Your task is to prepare an individual 15-minute POSTER for oral discussion. Select an organisation or brand of your choice and develop a digital marketing plan for the coming year. You will present this in class, and you must upload your POSTER on Moodle, via Turnitin. Your POSTER should be properly referenced, and a bibliography appended. You will be expected to meet the course tutor to discuss your choice of companies and to then research each company using various sources. It is expected that you will present using Power point or PDF and to provide a handout of your POSTER. You should upload these on Moodle before the deadline.

2.2 Written assessment, 2500 words, weighting 70% of the mark. (LO1-LO2)

Your task is to choose a relevant organisation or brand and to conduct a detailed analysis of how the brand delivers value to its target markets. You may use the organisation/brand chosen for ass 1 for this task. You will be expected to use relevant academic models to allow for that analysis.

Task: Using appropriate marketing concepts and models you should answer the following questions:

1. Analyse with appropriate models/theories your chosen organisation/brand’s positioning in the marketplace explaining how its marketing strategy ethically delivers increased customer value. (60 /100 marks)

2. How might that organisation/brand develop new marketing plans/strategies to remain fresh and relevant in the current marketing environment? (40/100 marks)

3. Sources It is expected that the Reference List will contain between five and ten sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include one refereed academic journal and three academic books.

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes being addressed through this assignment are:

LO 1 – Explain the marketing process and identify the marketing mix to describe how this affects the development of a new product or service.
LO 2 – Discuss the effectiveness of an integrated digital marketing campaign to promote a product or service
LO 3 – Demonstrate ability to use creative technologies to develop digital marketing plan and design a campaign to maximise engagement

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