BAM7008 – International Logistics and Operations CW1 Assignment, Buckinghamshire new University

Published: 24 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Business Management
University Buckinghamshire new University Module Title BAM7008 – International Logistics and Operations

Assignment task

Logistics and operations management contributes significantly to international business performance. The task in coursework 1 involves choosing a company that operates internationally and critically analysing their operations management. The company could be your own organisation. You will need to discuss with your tutor before finalising the topic.

Using a case study approach, you are required to:

  1. Identify three important operation management (OM) decision areas (e.g. quality, inventory management, layout, or process design etc.) in your chosen case company. Critically analyse the present activities of the firm on the chosen OM decision areas and suggest ways to improve performance.
  2. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the company in such a way to show how both can be synergistically exploited to improve the performance.
  3. Critically analyse the operations and logistics strategies used by the organisation and recommend appropriate strategies for enhancing their operations in the international context.
  4. Apply operations management theories in your analysis and discussion. Note:

-> The business style report should include an executive summary, as well as an opening section that introduces the topic and provides information about the case study organisation. A summarising conclusion is also required, along with appropriate recommendations.

  • The report will be 3,000 words in length (not including the reference list and appendices). It should include answers to all the case questions (given above) and must make use of relevant module concepts on the aspects covered.
  • At Level 7, academic references are very important. It is recommended to use at least 20-30 academic references to support your coursework 1.

If you are registered with the Disability and Inclusion Services or have a disability, please contact your module leader to discuss how your reasonable adjustments will be applied to this assignment.

Module learning outcomes

LO1: Select and apply a range of operations techniques to the management of a business.
LO2: Assess the implications of business decisions on the performance of a business operating in a competitive environment.
LO3: Critically analyse the theories of operations management
LO4: Critically evaluate a variety of operations and logistics strategies for use in an international context.

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