BA70036E Leading People and Teams, UWL, UK

Published: 07 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University University Of West London Module Title BA70036E Leading People and Teams

Module overview

In a dynamic market economy, which is characterized by technical innovation, short product life cycles, seasonal and cyclical fluctuations and changes in consumer preferences, the personal management cannot restrict itself to responding to these challenges. It must actively and proactively optimize the personnel deployment by anticipating and preparing of future staffing needs in terms of quantity and quality.

Teamwork is an answer to the new demands of the market: Innovation, globalisation, quality improvement and customer orientation. Teamwork is a way to deal with the increasingcomplexity that overwhelms the individual specialised employee.

This module will help you to increase your awareness of the latest thinking regarding strategic workforce management, develop your skills to lead individual employees and teams in varying situations and to face future challenges with confidence.

You will explore how to build a team, improve teamwork and collaboration and manage critical team processes; you will debate some of the best ways to bind the productive potential of teams andhow to mitigate the risks and traps of teamwork. It includes self-awareness, reflection on your experience and received peer feedback; understand team dynamics and inspire confidence in others; combining academic rigour with practical relevance.

Module summary content and aims

This module aims to develop students’ critical understanding of the current literature on strategic workforce management including the management of talent, organisational learning, team dynamics, conflict management, diversity, and inclusion. Students will apply their knowledge of strategic workforce management to a practical situation to demonstrate their ability work effectively as a member ofa high-performance team and their own ability to collaborate effectively.

Indicative Content:

  •  HRM and Leading people
  • Personality Belief, values and assessing personal accountability to clear organisational values
  • Attitude, Perception and Communication
  • Group, team working and role of employee Intelligence among teams
  •  Performance and Reward, High performance working organisations: with special focus on coaching and mentoring
  •  Power, Politics and control mechanisms and ethics at work
  • Flexibility and psychological contract
  •  Motivation and job satisfaction.
  • Leadership Styles, structures, and Traits (leadership beyond area of control/authority and art of getting people buy-in, Articulating vision to teams and people)
  •  Leadership Styles and Traits (leadership beyond area of control/authority and art of getting people buy-in, Articulating vision to teams and people)
  •  Organisation Structures
  • Building interorganisational partnerships and cultural frameworks aligned to the organisational mission and values. Create an inclusive culture, encouraging diversity and difference and promoting well-being.
  •  Organisation Cultures, inter-organisational partnerships
  • Managing Change (status quo, internal and external drivers of change and change models)
  • Managing Negotiation Tactics

 Preparing for your Assessment

A key part of your learning will be preparation for your summative assessment. You will be provided feedback on your formative assessments, and this will help you to better understand what is required of you when you submit your summative assessment. Please see below guidance on your formative assessment and how to access your feedback.

Students will be expected to identify a time slot within the teaching weeks listed below and attend these sessions at the given time. The lecturer would provide relevant feedback for students to incorporate within their submitted assessments.

Summative Assessments

Summative Assessment Element 1

Assessment title

Written assignment - "Learning organisations" is seen as a central concept towards organisational competitiveness. Discuss the critical literature in this field using relevant and recent authoritative sources and justify whether the concept still holds true in the current business contexts.

Submission date and time

midnight on Friday of week 8

Word Count (or equivalent)

1000 with a 10%+/- (no less than 700 words)

Where to submit



Feedback date

15 working days after submission

Assessment Weighting


PSRB requirements (if applicable)


Main objectives of the Assessment

1.    Define and explain what a learning organisation and organisational competitiveness is with case study examples
2.    Demonstrate a critical understanding of the current literature on strategic workforce planning,including talent management, learning organisations, diversity, and inclusion. with case study examples
3.    Demonstrate an understanding of the main theories of team dynamics with case study examples
•    You must have used a minimum of eight sources of published literary sources.
•    The tutor will provide three out of the eight sources.
•    You are required to obtain five, or more, of the required eight sources independently.

Summative Assessment element 2

Assessment title

Group presentation - As a training company, your group of 4-5 students is expected to deliver a presentation (15 mins maximum with 5 minutes questions and answers) to a prospective

organisation on developing an effective training programme targeting employees with 1-3 years’ experience (any organisation).

Submission date and time

midnight on Tuesday of week 13 with presentations in week 13 or 14

Word Count (or equivalent)

Not applicable

Where to submit


Feedback date

15 working days after submission

Assessment Weighting


PSRB requirements (if applicable)


Main objectives of the Assessment

Deliver the defined project by the deadline, please see the details of the project below, As a group, you are expected to complete the following below,

  1.  Identify the characteristics of high-performance team management in general.
  2. Identification of the key team management qualities in general from an employer’s perspectives (UK context) based on the evidence gained from industry sources.
  3. The key objectives of the training programme that the group have devised and its impact on employees’ personal and professional development using the SMART approach.
  4. The content of the training programme (group should highlight the training design and daily structure with reasoning as to why each element is included) supported by associated costs of the training programme which are broken down into relevant areas where necessary.

Summative Assessment Element 3

Assessment title

Reflection - Critically evaluate one’s effectiveness at collaboration and leadership; and identify areas for further development.

Personal Development Plan

Submission date and time

midnight on Wednesday of week 14

Word Count (or equivalent)

500 with a 10%+/-

Where to submit


Feedback date

15 working days after submission

Assessment Weighting


PSRB requirements (if applicable)


Main objectives of the Assessment

Using the enclosed table as a structure to critically evaluate one’s effectiveness and create a Personal Development Plan (derived from the first assessment and from the remaining content of the course).

Learning Outcome

Critically evaluate one's effectiveness at collaboration and leadership; and identify areas for further development

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