BA70035E Management Skills For Executives Assignment Portfolio Element1: Precis

Published: 25 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University University Of West London Module Title Management Skills For Executives

1). Module content 

  • Welcome to Management Skills for Executives. This is a skills-based module that aims to introduce  aspiring senior leaders to the fundamentals of critical thought and reasoning in the context of  strategic management and decision making. The early part of the module introduces students to  critical reading, writing and reasoning within the context of a strategic problem. In the second half,  students will be introduced to relevant theory and practical application of leadership and change  within a defined scenario. The learning activities in this module are also designed to develop your  interpersonal skills (i.e. interacting effectively with others) and your planning skills. 
  • Students should be aware that this is a skills-based module that adopts an active learning approach;  therefore, engagement and participation in class sessions is essential. There are no conventional  lectures as in content-driven modules, sessions are seminar/workshop based and active  participation and engagement are required from students. This module underpins the development  process for students preparing for careers in strategic / senior leadership roles. It also, better  prepares learners for study on a postgraduate course aimed at senior leaders. 
  • For indicative content please refer to Blackboard. For a detailed outline of how this module forms  part of your course, please refer to your Course Handbook.  

2). Learning materials 

  • The reading list for this module is available on Blackboard in the module area and online by  searching readinglists. This shows real-time availability of books in the library and provides direct  links to digital items, recommended by your lecturer. 

3). Maintaining Academic Honesty and Integrity 

  • Academic Integrity means avoiding plagiarism and cheating and owning your own work, the use of  essay mills and AI content is also considered academic misconduct. This is when you submit a  piece of work which is not completely your own, but which you are presenting as your own without  acknowledging the author or properly referencing the original source. All your work must  demonstrate Academic Integrity; it must be an honest and fair submission, complying with all the  requirements of the assessment. Failure to meet these standards of behaviour and practice is  academic misconduct, which can result in penalties being applied under the Academic Offences  Regulations. You can get support with your academic writing by speaking to our Study support team. 

4). Meeting Deadlines 

  • You should always try your best to submit your work on time. You can submit coursework up to 10  calendar days late without penalty if you request an extension before the submission deadline. Without an extension, the maximum mark you will be able to get for that work will be the pass  mark.  

5). Getting Support 

  • There may be times when you experience circumstances outside of your control and talking to  your Module Leader and other support services available to you in the university will help keep you  on track with your studies. You can access information on support services and further guidance at our Support for current students page. 
  • If your circumstances mean that you are not able to submit at all or are unable to attend an in person assessment like an exam or in-class test, then you can request mitigation for the  assessment. Approved mitigation means that you can have another attempt without penalty if you  fail an assessment or do not submit. 

6). Preparing for your Assessment 

  • A key part of your learning will be preparation for your summative assessment. You will be  provided feedback on your formative assessments, and this will help you to better understand  what is required of you when you submit your summative assessment. Please see below guidance  on your formative assessment and how to access your feedback. 
  • You will be able to prepare and receive constructive formative feedback for one precis draft for  element 1 and one group report draft for element 2 of the assessment portfolio. Please see the  below table for detailed assessment support. 

7). Summative Assessments

Summative Assessment 1

Main objectives of the Assessment

  • At a strategic level of decision making, a manager encounters problem that are largely unstructured and requires a great deal of judgement. Often decisions are unstructured and requires consideration of several external variables that are beyond one’s direct control and are both complex and dynamic. As the Chief Executive Officer of an organization [of your choice] prepare an informed precis for your Board that presents a critical discourse on the strategic external environment that the company faces.

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