B91CE Malt Quality for Brewing Assessment 1 Brief |

Published: 07 Mar, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Economics
University ________ Module Title Malt Quality for Brewing

Assessment 1 Brief

The ability of a brewer or distiller to judge the quality/properties of a malted barley sample is foundational to the production of fermentable high extract wort that is able to meet the expectations of a given recipe. The primary approach for a brewer/distiller to assess malt quality is through use of a Certificate of Analysis (CoA). A CoA will contain useful information related to the composition and expected processing of a given malt/cereal product that can be used to compose a suitable processing regime (or judge whether the material can be used at all for the intended purpose).

Part A

In this part of the assignment, you will take raw data from several common analyses used in the determination of malt quality (plus some further measures of initial barley quality) and process to provide a sensible summary of the sample. Details of the required analyses/values can be found in the submission template.

Part B

In the second part of this assignment, you will discuss the quality of your malted barley sample (or model data set). With frequent reference to relevant principles of malting/brewing/distilling science you will consider the potential applications for the material within the brewing and/or distilling industries and any challenges that may be expected on its use. Based on your knowledge of how the barley was produced and of industry practice, explain the likely causes of any anticipated challenges (if any). If the data you have processed indicates the malt sample is of suitable quality, discuss why.

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