Diagnostic Biochemistry Assessment 2: Evaluation of diagnostic tests

Published: 23 Dec, 2024
Category Assignment Subject Science
University Leeds Beckett University Module Title Diagnostic Biochemistry Assessment 2

Assessment Details

Working individually, students will draw on their laboratory experiences and theoretical knowledge to compare and contrast diagnostic tests. Each student should decide on their own subject area –but it must compare diagnostic biochemistry techniques. They will be expected to critically analyse the process of the biochemical tests showing understanding of the underpinning biochemistry and interpretation of the results. Throughout the process they should critically evaluate the techniques for strengths and weaknesses allowing for detailed comparisons to be made. The format can broadly be as the student believes is appropriate, however they are expected to provide a title, brief introduction at the start, short summary at the end and reference their work appropriately. Two example evaluations could be; HPLC vs. ELISA for measurement of vitamin D, or the measurement of glycated haemoglobin vs. glucose tolerance testing for diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.


Referencing should be provided where appropriate and should follow the below format (Harvard) for in-text citations:
1 author: (Surname, Year)
2 authors: (Surname 1 and Surname 2, Year)
More than 2 authors: (Surname 1 et al., Year).

In the reference list:

All authors must be listed. Regardless of where you found it, all journal articles must be formatted as a journal article (no web info, or access date etc.). If no author is listed, use Anon. If no date listed use n.d., bear in mind this will rarely be the case with scientific literature.
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Learning Outcomes Key Skills

1) Critically evaluate advances in biochemical diagnostic techniques in Scientific writing
2) Evaluate the limitations of biochemical tests

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