ASB3122 - The Development of Personal Global Competence : International Business Competency, Coursework Two

Published: 16 Jan, 2025
Category Coursework Subject Business
University Bangor University Module Title ASB3122 International Business Competency

This assignment has a different focus to that of Coursework One in which you examined an International Business situation. In Coursework Two you are required to reflect on your own Global Competence in a report of 2000 words which covers four aspects but needs to provide an integrated perspective:-

a). This module has argued that Global Competence is the interaction of two concepts - Technical Competence & Behavioural Competence. Compare & critique these two concepts.

b).  Apply the concepts of Technical Competence & Behavioural Competence to the two seminar topics about the development of Global Competence at Marks & Spencer – ‘M&S’s history of going international’ & ‘M&S in China & India’ – focussing on whether in your opinion Marks & Spencer showed competence.

c).  Relate the two dimensions of Global Competence (Technical & Behavioural) to the topics of designing a Global Value Chain (GVC), & adjusting Management Functions to implement that GVC. Is one dimension of competence more important than the other?

d).  Turning to your own Personal Global Competence – how has it developed during this Module (if at all), & how do you think that your ‘global’ views may influence your interaction with students during your studies at Bangor, & how you evaluate employment opportunities available to you after Graduation.


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