Category | Assignment | Subject | Marketing |
University | Module Title | ACFI7012 Financial Markets and Institutions Coursework |
The point of this assignment is to encourage you to think about the significance of the Basel 3 framework for financial regulation. The assignment asks three main questions and it would be sensible to take them in sequence. Start by looking at the initial Basel 3 framework introduced following the 2007-2008 crisis and consider what the problems were that the framework was trying to solve and whether it was sufficiently rigorous and robust to solve those problems. Then move on to consider the ways in which it is now being proposed that the framework should be modified and discuss whether the proposed changes appear sensible or not. That will then give you a good basis for considering ways in which the framework might be extended and developed in the future. When carrying out your analysis you should think about the costs and benefits of financial regulation. There is always a trade-off involved between the safety and stability which arises from strong regulation and the need for dynamism in the financial system, which may involve taking risks. You should consider how the Basel 3 framework manages that trade-off and whether current or future reforms to that framework might improve the way the trade-off is managed.
Assessment criteria
The assessment criteria for assignment two are as follows (all given equal weight)
Ability to apply that understanding to the practical context of the Basel 3 Accord.
Ability to use your analysis of Basel 3 to assess the adequacy of regulation and to suggest reforms if necessary
Structure and coherence of the assignment (including choice of relevant source material)
See the marking grid below for further discussion of these criteria.
Hand-in date and instructions
Assignment two should be uploaded electronically to the Assignment Two Turnitin drop-box on the ACFI7012 Moodle site by 1.00 pm on Tuesday 7 May 2024 (week 13). You should provide your student number but not your name, to ensure anonymous marking.
Important – Assignment Plans
to provide formative feedback on assignment two you are required to submit an assignment plan for assignment two to the assignment plan drop-box set up on the Moodle site for the module by 1.00 pm on Monday 15 April 2024. I will aim to get comments on the assignment plans back to you by one week following submission. The assignment plans should be no more than two sides of A4 and should contain the following
A brief account of the planned structure of your essay
A short account of some of the main sources you plan to use
Learning outcomes assessed
Both assignments are designed to test your ability to
Demonstrate skills of critical appraisal with regard to the evidence put forward to validate theoretical approaches
Apply the theoretical and empirical knowledge obtained in the module to the analysis of the impact of financial markets and institutions on businesses using funds and the regulatory issues which arise from this impact.
Demonstrate an ability to apply academic knowledge and skills in practical contexts
Demonstrate an ability to engage in problem solving in ways appropriate to both participants in and regulators of the financial system
Demonstrate an ability to apply formal modelling techniques in the context of financial theory
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