ACC7043 Advanced Management Accounting, Assignment Semester 1

Published: 10 Dec, 2024
Category Assignment Subject Accounting
University Birmingham City University Module Title ACC7043 Advanced Management Accounting

Assessment Task

This is a scenario-based assessment where you are required to analyse challenges facing a case study called JoyBox. This is by elaborating on the importance of sustainability, environmental cost management, and big data application. Evaluating cost allocation approaches, transfer pricing, and capital investment decisions. Appling techniques including Balanced Scorecard and quality management to provide recommendations for improvement.

The case study information and the detailed coursework tasks, that you need to attempt and submit, are provided in a separate document entitled “Case study scenario and tasks”, which is available on Moodle site, Assessment information section.

Completion of this assessment will address the following learning outcomes: 

  • Critically evaluate strategic approaches to managing costs for competitive advantage. 
  • Apply and evaluate a range of costing techniques and pricing strategies. 
  • Appraise long-term decisions using appropriate techniques and provide justified recommendations.
  • Discuss and evaluate information systems, management reports, ‘big data’, and the use of such information for decision-making and control

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 •    BCU Harvard  

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If you’re working on the ACC7043 Advanced Management Accounting assignment, we can help you analyze the challenges faced by JoyBox. Your task involves exploring sustainability, environmental cost management, and big data, along with evaluating cost allocation, transfer pricing, and capital investment decisions. Our assignment writers have extensive experience in management accounting and can guide you through applying techniques like the Balanced Scorecard and quality management. We offer case study writing services and can provide assignment examples to help you understand the key concepts. With plagiarism-free content and tailored support, UK students can count on us for top-quality solutions.
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