Public Health Science Poster Oral assessment (individual) PPT

Published: 22 Jan, 2025
Category Presentation Subject Nursing
University Department of Healthg $ Social Care Module Title Public Health Science

Task:  Oral assessment (individual)

Poster presentation: Create an academic poster that analyses data trends within the social determinants of health in the UK and discusses the impact of culture within health and social care. 

Present an intervention for a health and social care topic in the UK. Compare this to an intervention that tackles the same topic in public Health in another country. 

  • 1000 words in PowerPoint poster (one page only)
  • 500 words notes to be submitted discussing data comparisons (notes to be written in the notes section of the PowerPoint Poster – please see the template).
  •  Oral presentation = 8 minutes (equivalent to 1000 words. Please note, you do not have to write your oral presentation).

Learning outcomes  

  1. Examine cultural competence methodology as a Health and Social Care practitioner. 
  2.  Interpret data trends on social determinants of health. 
  3. Compare stages of a public health intervention in different countries.

Suggested Framework to present the equivalent of 1,500 words: 


Section 1:
•    Discuss culture within the determinants of health and the impacts of health inequality using PHE fingertips. 
o    Look at: Culture, trends

Section 2:
•    Explain an approach to treating patients in a culturally competent manner.
•    Model for Cultural Competence (Purnell, 2002). 
o    Here you can give an overview of the Purnell model (Patient/provider, Systems approach to 12 domains from person through family and community to global society) and discuss 2 of the domains within the model relevant to your topic.  (Purnell, 2005) 

Section 3
•    Compare stages of a public health intervention in different countries:
o    Introduce a topic that has a cultural impact on health in the UK (e.g. smoking, maternal health).
o    Compare a UK Public health intervention for the health issue to a public health intervention for the topic in a different country. 
o    Evaluate the differences.

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