7IM991 Independent Study: Dissertation Brief 2024, University of Derby

Published: 14 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University University of Derby Module Title 7IM991 Independent Study: Dissertation

Assignment Brief

Assessment Content

The Structure of your final dissertation submission should be:

  • Title Page (relatively brief and specific)
  • Abstract / Executive Summary (‘overview’ – maximum 1 page) 
  • Acknowledgements (of those who helped)
  • Contents Page (list of chapters/page numbers)
  • List of Figures and Tables (both are included within the text and each type has its own independent consecutive numbering throughout)
  • Chapter 1 Introduction (background/ overall aim and specific objectives) (roughly 2,000 words)
  • Chapter 2 Literature Review (definitions of main topic, identification of ‘key’ authors, themes, previous research, etc.) (roughly 4,000 words)
  • Chapter 3 Methodology / Research Design (Research strategy/design; Participants; Methods) (roughly 3,000 words)
  • Chapter 4 Analysis / Results (findings/results) and a discussion of application/data analysis) (roughly 4,000 words)
  • Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations (must be based on previous analysis and reflect literature and original objectives) (the recommendations must result from conclusions) (roughly 2,500 words)
  • References (list of books/articles ‘cited’ in the text using the HARVARD format)
  • Bibliography (other literature which influenced the work)
  • Appendices (anything which would disrupt the ‘flow’ for the reader within the text, e.g. charts, tables, etc.).

Learning Outcomes

Devise and conduct an appropriate research methodology to investigate the problem or issue, reviewing pertinent literature, analysing primary and/or secondary data to an appropriate depth and demonstrating strategic awareness within the discipline of your pathway.

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