7HURM008W International Human Resource Management, Conference Paper Assessment Brief | University of Westminster

Published: 18 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University University of Westminster Module Title 7HURM008W International Human Resource Management


As organisations expand their global operations into emerging economies as well as more traditionally developed host country locations, it has become ever-more important that appropriate support is given to employees and their family members so that internationally mobile personnel can achieve successful international assignment outcomes. In this context, you have been asked to prepare a briefing paper (no longer than 2,500 words) for presentation at a conference which will be attended by academics and practitioners in the field of international HRM. 

Your task is to critically discuss the following four factors that organisations should take into account when designing global mobility policies to facilitate the transfer/movement of international assignees and potentially accompanying family members into host locations with different cultural traditions. Your paper should include recruitment/selection, preparation and training, reward, and repatriation.

To complete this integrative assignment, you will need to draw upon all of the relevant sessions in this module to determine the most pertinent issues for inclusion in your conference briefing paper. Your paper should be framed theoretically, and you should draw upon academic research published in peer-reviewed journals as well as examples from practitioner surveys and reports as appropriate. 
Your paper should not exceed 2,500 words (excluding cited references which should be in a references list at the end of your paper and presented in Harvard style).

Proposed structure of the assessment:

A cover page: including the title of the assignment and module code

  •  Introduction: Start with a few opening sentences related to the topic. Then, introduce the key aim of this conference paper and how it will be organised/structured (250 words max)
  • Main Body: The main body should be discussing and critically analysing each of the 4 policies organised into 4 subsections, comprising: 

(1) recruitment/selection (500 words).
(2) preparation and training (500 words).
(3) reward (500 words).
(4) repatriation (500 words).


  1. Understand the implications of national cultures, institutions and employment relations systems among other factors on the development of HRM strategies, policies and practices by international organisations.
  2. Analyse and explain the diversity of international HRM strategies, policies and practices in view of key theoretical perspectives and conceptual, methodological, and empirical debates.
  3.  Demonstrate an awareness of the key issues affecting the design, implementation and effectiveness of strategies, policies and practices of international organisations in relation to mobility, diversity, resourcing, performance management, reward and managing change, among other areas.

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