7HURM006W HR Management and the Business Context Assessment University of Westminster

Published: 12 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University University of Westminster Module Title Management and the Business Context

The Assessment 

The data response exercise is an end-of-module summative assessment which involves analysing a variety of business context scenarios and addressing how organisations may respond to trends and changes in aspects of their business context. 

This assessment method has been chosen as an effective way to assess students based on their exposure to practical and real-world situations affecting organisations and subsequently their ability to recommend strategies. The responses to the business context scenarios and tasks in the data response exercise will evidence the student's achievement of all four of the module's learning outcomes LO1, LO2, LO3 and LO4.


LO1: Identify key business context influences impacting upon the strategies, management and performance of organisations

LO2: Interpret and analyse data and information relating to trends and changes in the business context affecting organisations

LO3: Utilise a variety of theoretical approaches, concepts and tools for effective organisational decision making and strategic management

LO4: Critically assess the viability of various strategic responses to dynamic influences in the business context

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