7DVST001W.2 Current Issues in International Development Group Presentation and Briefing Paper (Assessment 1) Brief

Published: 18 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Economics
University University of Westminister Module Title 7DVST001W.2 Current Issues in International Development

Assessment Brief 

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Working in your groups (minimum of four, maximum of five students per group), prepare a 20-minute presentation (accompanied by a 1,000-word briefing paper) on one of the following topics: 

  1. In shifting development-thinking away from a pre-occupation with economic growth, the UNDP advanced the concept of ‘human development’.  It envisaged that human development was a process of enlarging people’s choices; and the most critical ones are to lead a long and healthy life, to be educated and to enjoy a decent standard of living. Based on a country of your choice, discuss how its government has taken action to prioritise different aspects of human development, over economic development, and the impact it has had on the country.
  2. Critically consider how gender inequality inhibits a country’s socio-economic development. With reference to one example of gender inequality in a country of your choice and using the Social Relations Approach, what steps would you advise to reduce the problem of gender inequality in that country?
  3. A combination of public and private regulation tends to be the most effective approach in securing labour rights. Public regulation provides the legal foundation, while private initiatives complement public regulation by addressing gaps and promoting innovative approaches to labour rights protection. To what extent do you agree with this statement? 

Learning Outcomes (LOs) addressed

  1. Apply the analytical and practical skills required to critically evaluate a range of contemporary international development issues.
  2. Use a range of evidence to identify and explore the complexity and contested nature of these issues and articulate these insights using a range of media.
  3. Critically assess the policy measures advanced to deal with the issues identified and propose alternative approaches.

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