7BUS2127 International Strategic Leadership in Tourism, Hospitality and Events, Coursework

Published: 23 Dec, 2024
Category Coursework Subject Business
University University Of Heartfordshire Module Title 7BUS2127-0901-2024 International Strategic Leadership in Tourism, Hospitality and Events
Assignment Title  Team presentation: Developing a wiki for an international organisation and personal reflection on your contribution.

Detailed Brief for Individual / Team Assignment

Assignment Title: Team presentation: Developing a wiki for an international organisation and personal reflection on your contribution.

Description of the assignment, task, content and structure:
Remember that all of your work should contain discussion of theoretical and academic literature. If you do not apply literature and references, you will fail this assessment.

1.  Developing Wiki in teams 
•    You will work in team to develop an on-line wiki for an international organisation where you will critically evaluate different environmental and situational contexts which affect strategic leadership of that organisation.
•     Use website of your choice to develop the wiki. 
•    There is no word count on the wiki, however, there must be various pages or headings.

2.  Individual reflection on performance on development of wiki
•    Write an individual reflection on your performance on your role as a team player. You must identify your role in the team and critically evaluate your capabilities. 
•    You must critically assess your performance on your actual or potential forms of resolving conflicts before they arise within the team. 
•    The word count for individual reflection is (300 words+/-10%).

Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding assessed in this assignment:
•  Critically reflect on the different environmental and situational contexts in which strategic leadership may be conducted

Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes assessed in this assignment:
•  Works effectively within a team as leader or member. Clarifies tasks and makes appropriate use of the capacities of team members and if required resolving likely conflict situations before they arise

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