7BUS2058 CW2 – Literature review and Methodology Chapters: Major Research Project Assessment Brief | HBS

Published: 03 Mar, 2025
Category Coursework Subject Business
University Harvard Business School Module Title 7BUS2058 Major Research Project

Detailed Brief for Individual / Team Assignment

CW2 – literature review and methodology chapters.

Students have been provided with a template document on Canvas which sets out the structure and suggested content.

Students should aim to have their data collected so their methodology chapter can reflect on the data collection process (see template for details).
Additional important information you must consider before attempting the assignments

Please read the Research Project Handbook for detailed guidance in terms of content, structure and tasks to complete this effectively – you have also received training in Sem A on the Advanced Research Methods module plus support in Sem B on this module (7BUS2058).

Some formal requirements that students should consider:

  • You must have formal (written) ethical approval from the module leader before collecting any primary data. Collecting primary data without your supervisors approval is a Stage 2 Academic Offence.
  • You must have approval from the module team if focusing on secondary data only (check meets CIPD professional body requirements).
  • We strongly suggest that you should use the templates provided for each CW assessment to help with structure and content in line with the requirements of this programme.
  • You may be called for Viva Voce for an oral presentation on your research by the research team.
  • There are no extensions on this module – please manage your time effectively. 
  • You must submit a case for Exceptional Circumstances if this applies to you (and provide evidence) within the necessary time frames – talk to your personal tutor for advice. 
  • Keep the module team informed of any challenges you are facing so we can advise and support you effectively. 

Any specific instructions:

The HBS Grading Criteria (rubric) will evidence how marks are awarded for individual parts of the assignment i.e. Presentation and Structure, Intellectual Curiosity and Referencing, Content, Analysis, Discussion

Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding assessed in this assignment:

Successful students will typically...

  • Critically analyse and identify an HRM research topic relevant to the workplace, and locate this subject within the relevant field of HRM literature and the context in which the specific subject exists, internally (i.e. organisational, managerial) and externally (i.e. labour market, regulatory, commercial/competitive, etc.), as appropriate
  •  Critically evaluate concepts, theories and models from the existing literature and contemporary HR policy and practice appropriate to the chosen topic, critically analysing, comparing and synthesising findings to identify key concepts and conclusions in the relevant field of enquiry
  • Select and justify a suitable research methodology and research method/s.

Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes assessed in this assignment:

Successful students will typically...

  • Be able to formulate, apply and test hypotheses, propositions and/or research questions
  • Be able to competently manage a complex research strategy systematically and creatively
  • Be able to gather, analyse and synthesize complex and appropriate information from a range of primary and secondary sources
  • Demonstrate originality in research work

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