7BUS2051 People Resourcing Assignment 2 Brief- 2024| University of Hertfordshire, UK

Published: 07 Feb, 2025
Category Presentation Subject Business
University University of Hertfordshire Module Title 7BUS2051 People Resourcing
Assignment Format & Maximum Word count: 10-minute recorded PowerPoint presentation
Assignment No: Assignment 2 

Assignment Title:  Staff Turnover and Retention in SciNapse

An organisation’s strongest asset is its people. It takes time and expense to recruit and train new starters,and develop employees during the course of employment to maximise effective performance. Some movement out of the organisation is only natural, as employees move locations, reach a new stage in life, or change roles for other reasons. The retention of valuable employees is extremely important to the sustainable performance of organisations.’ (CIPD HR Inform, 2023)


Talent is becoming harder to retain at SciNapse. By the end of the 2nd Quarter 2022 eight SciNapse drug discovery scientists had resigned. They were all long serving, high contributors and had been instrumental in progressing 414 during its formative years in the clinic.  

In your groups, you are asked to provide a 10-minute recorded PowerPoint presentation (with references) which considers and evaluates the economic, legal and HRM/ employee relations factors relating to People Resourcing at SciNapse.

Using the data in the SciNapse case study and referring to the CIPD quote above, you will discuss the potential impact of employees leaving the company and discuss actions that SciNapse can take to minimise staff turnover and retain its staff.  

You will need to suggest 5 recommendations (in rank order) in the form of an action plan. This should include your recommendations and the resources (time, people, costs) required to implement those recommendations.  You need to link your presentation to some of the models, theories and concepts covered in the lectures and tutorials.

All members of the group must be visible and contribute to the recorded presentation. 

Assessment Criteria 

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding assessed in this assignment:

  • Critically analyse and critically review the national and global employment market and the implications for people resourcing
  • Critically explore and critically evaluate a range of recruitment and selection strategies
  • Determine how to conduct fair and objective assessments at all levels of the organisation
  •  Critically evaluate online and digital approaches to resourcing strategy
  •  Critically analyse and understand measurement concepts and critically evaluate the use of psychometrics in assessment
  •  Critically evaluate the role of different types of workers in an organisation's resourcing strategy
  •  Critically appraise and recommend appropriate resourcing strategies within an ethical and legal framework to meet business needs.

Learning Outcomes: Intellectual, Practical and Transferable Skills and Attributes assessed in this assignment:

  • Be able to apply knowledge of alternative approaches to formulate informed decisions on global issues and their impact on resourcing strategies
  • Be able to make and justify decisions or choices by considering all available evidence in the context of the specific situation
  • Reflect on the challenges of people resourcing practices and formulate strategies to address these, working both individually and collaboratively
  • Be able to formulate persuasive arguments with impact in writing and verbally through discussion, debate and presentation
  •  Competently engage in active listening, questioning and provision of context-specific feedback

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