7BUS2002-0105 Business Research Methods- Research Proposal Assignment 1 Brief | University of Hertfordshire

Published: 11 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Business
University University of Hertfordshire Module Title 7BUS2002-0105 Business Research Methods

Assessment Criteria 

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:

  • Demonstrate understanding of contemporary business issue and challenges associated with business research 
  • Demonstrate a potential business research issue, aim, objectives and question (s)
  • Identifying key literature, theories and authors relevant to specific topics

Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:

  • Creating a learning community and communicating effectively across teams
  •  Formulate effective research aim, objectives and research question(s)

Detailed Brief for Individual/Group Assessment 

Assignment Title:  Learning Conversation: Develop research topic, aim, objectives and question(s).

Description of the assignment:
This assignment serves as a preparatory stage and intends to develop your research, problem solving, teamwork and reflexive skills relevant to your final Research Proposal assignment, which takes 70% of the overall assessment weighting. In addition, this assignment will form a solid foundation for your final MSc IB Major Research Project which is a 60-credit module (weighting 1/3 of your degree).

During the first four weeks’ seminar sessions you must prepare for and participate in a Learning Conversation (an approximately 30 minutes) based on concepts you have learned on Canvas preparation and in your face-to-face sessions. As a Learning Set you will be exploring key issues associated with the contemporary business and management research practices with the module tutors and with your peers. Reflection and collaborative feedback within the learning set during the weekly Learning Conversation will provide an opportunity to share understanding, formulate research problem, identify a relevant literature and develop potential research aim, objectives and question(s) for your research proposal.

Topics to be discussed each week are as following:

Week 1 - Nature of Business and Management Research & Research Process + The Case Study of the week.
Week 2 - Identifying Potential Research Topic, Aims and Objectives + The Case Study of the week 
Week 3 - Identifying Potential Literature for your Research + The Case Study of the week.
Week 4 – Identifying Potential Research Design, for your research. Please note that, it is mandatory to highlight the Contemporary Business Issue to be addressed for a Specified Organisation (it could be one of the well-known brands) + The Case Study of the week.

After each week’s Learning Conversation each member of Learning Set should reflect on their Learning Conversation and produce reflective piece of work no more than 250 words and no less than 150.
You have to individually consider:

  • What was the week’s topic and the case study of the week and what you learned from the Learning Conversation?
  • How experience from this conversation can help you to build your own research proposal?

Specific Instructions:

This work involves Two Stages. 

Stage One

1. You must select your own Learning Set (group) within your tutorial groups, with a minimum of four and maximum of five members (recommended is four).  Only in exceptional circumstances and with permission from the module tutor will teams of three be allowed. Under no circumstances can teams be larger than five.

Failure to join a team may result in a loss of marks for the learning conversation component of the coursework.

You must form Learning Set within your tutorial group. You are not permitted to change tutorial  group under any circumstances unless this has been formally agreed with the programme team.

2. Use Canvas preparation material to help you build your knowledge and understanding even further

3. Each group member must do their own research (e.g., find an information and bring it with you (an academic paper, newsletter or video) about the weeks topic and contribute equally during the Learning Conversation

Stage Two

After each week’s Learning Conversation each member of Learning Set should reflect on their Learning Conversation and produce a reflective piece of work no more than 250 words and no less than 150.
You have to individually consider:

  • What was the week’s topic and the case study, what did you learn from the Learning set Conversation?
  • How experience from this conversation can help you to build your own research proposal?

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