772108 Sustainable Logistics and Operations Management Assignment

Published: 10 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University University of Hull Module Title Sustainable Logistics and Operations Management

Section A: Sustainability Challenge

Identify ONE particular sustainability issue (challenge). 
Theory: Give us some explanations about what’s the issue, why it is important, and how this issue affects us (think about triple-bottom-line)? 

Practice: Give an example from a real-world case study (a company or an organisation) of how they react to the challenge. E.g. any actions or procedures they took.

Some ideas for you: the sustainability challenges we are facing today:

1) Climate change 2) Deforestation 3) Biodiversity Loss 4) Resource depletion 5) Water Scarcity 6) Inequality and Poverty 7) Overfishing 8) Pollution from Plastic 9) Waste Production 10) Food Waste

Section B: Sustainability Processes

Discuss the process of adaptation as companies alter their strategies in response to sustainability concerns. 

Use at least THREE of the topics introduced in class in this part of your report.

Example of sustainability processes: 1) Design for Sustainability 2) Sustainable Procurement 3) Sustainable Transportation 4) Circular Economy 5) Planning and Controlling 6) Disruption and Risks 7) Humanitarian Logistics 8) Reverse Logistics 9) Cleaner Production 10) Sustainable Consumption

Section C: Sustainability Goals

Using any TWO examples of the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDGs), critically discuss how companies are adopting these goals by supporting from their management practices whilst carrying out logistics operations. 

For critical argument, ALL selected SDGs, must be mapped against at least one for each of five the UN’s Blueprint for business leadership qualities.

Using Two real-world business examples to support your discussion (one example for each goal).

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