772107 Leading people and performance Assessment University of Hull

Published: 10 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University University of Hull Module Title Leading people and performance


short paragraph covering the following:

  • What is leadership/career/work related aspirations (With references)

  • Why weneed to keep developing (With references)

  • What skill you are looking at/focussing on

  • Why that skill is important within a personal development/business context(With references)

Literature Review

  • Really focus in on understanding the issue you want to explore

  • Make sure that while its an exploration of a behavioural issue (e.g. perfectionism) weave the connection back to leadership.

  • You might pick two connected topics (e.g how high neuroticism score and stress might be interacting) but don’t get dragged off in too many directions. By all means include a broader analysis (maybe a mind map or something) in the appendix, it could be something you use in your broader development – beyond our session together. 

Development Plan

  • Plan should relate to the issues identified

  • Actions selected should be, to some extent, backed up by evidence

  • The plan should seem reasonable – perhaps put them in a time context. We are not going to change behavioural patterns overnight.

  •  Perhaps use a SMART model (specific, measurable, 


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