7075MAA Advanced Dynamics of Mechanical System, Assignment Brief | Coventry University

Published: 27 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Engineering
University Coventry University Module Title 7075MAA Advanced Dynamics of Mechanical System
Assignment Title: Design of a two-link manipulator system
Word Count (or equivalent):   1000 words

Assignment Task

Design a two-link planar manipulator system like Figure 1 shown. Use Lagrangian Formulation to derive the relationship between input torque at two joints and link trajectory in the 2D plane. L1 = 1m, L2 = 1m, Lc1 = 0.5m, Lc2 = 0.5m. The links’ mass m1 = m2 = 1kg, and the object mass held by the manipulator end is m3 = 0.25kg. You will aim to simulate the trajectories of the links by giving any input of torque T = [T1, T2]. You are recommended to use MATLAB to complete the simulation. Please use two example input of torque for the simulation: T = [0, 0] and T = [T1, T2]. T1, T2 are any examples of torque you choose.

7075MAA Advanced Dynamics of Mechanical System

Figure 1

Please complete 1000 words report to explain the steps of achieving final link trajectory. The report should include the following contents:
-    Cover page (student ID, name)
-    Introduction (brief introduction of the application of manipulators in real life)
-    Main content (steps you will take to achieve the final formulations, please put your MATLAB code and simulation figures here)
-    Discussion (comment on the results and discuss the key factors affecting the performance)
-    Conclusion 
-    Reference

The marking rubrics can be found in the end of the brief.

Assessed Module Learning Outcomes

The Learning Outcomes for this module align to the marking criteria which can be found at the end of this brief. Ensure you understand the marking criteria to ensure successful achievement of the assessment task. The following module learning outcomes are assessed in this task:

  1. Perform advanced kinematic analysis on plantar and spatial mechanisms using vector/matrix representations in mechanical systems and evaluate the motions produced by the driving forces or the driving forces necessary to generate specific motions.
  2. Design and simulate a mechanical system to meet the target specification and evaluate performance metrics with allowance for uncertainty.
  3. Analyse the vibration characteristics of multi degree-of-freedom systems subject to free and forced vibration using calculation, computer, and experimental methods.
  4. Analyse continuous systems vibrating structures and apply modal analysis to predict system response and design a vibration solution.
  5. Demonstrate laboratory skills and correlate experimental, computer and calculated approaches to dynamic analysis to appropriate industrial standards.

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