7060MAA Contract Management Individual Report Coursework 2

Published: 29 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University Coventry University Module Title 7060MAA Contract Management

Assignment Task

Provide an academic report of 3000 words +/- 10% addressing the questions noted below, the report  should include references to APA 7th edition standard and relevant tables, charts, and figures.

The report must be clearly structured with a cover page, contents page, list of tables & figures  with headings detailing which of the tasks are being addressed and to the highest academic  standard. You MUST start each question on a new page.

Scenario – Sourcing of waste management services, including hazard wastes.

As a Contracts Manager you have been asked to work within a Team source a Waste Management  Service for your company. As a large manufacturer with 500+ employees the company have a range  of waste materials that need to be disposed of that includes a waste product of contaminated oil from  its manufacturing process that is hazardous the health and the environment.

The company has a range of strategic objectives linked to improving it sustainability assessment. As part of the project to source a waste management service includes the following objectives: • Ongoing reduction of waste going to landfill from 70% to 40% over 3 years. 
• Compliance with all safety and environmental standards regarding the disposal of all waste. 
• All supplier to have targets, systems and programs to reduce their CO2 footprint. 
As part of your role as the Contract Manager you need address the questions noted below and  provide answers in a formal report.

Task / Questions

LO1. Critically appraise the process for identification, short-listing, assessment and selecting of a  suitable contractor for different phases of a project. 

Q1 (AN) LO1 
Q1.1 Critically evaluate using literature options to procure waste management service from  contractors. Determine and justify the method you would use including ensuring compliance  standards in the context of given scenario  

Q1.2 Evaluate the major factors that would be mandatory requirements in the selection of a suitable  waste management contractor providing an analysis of importance to the project. 

Q1.3 Detail how you would assess a contractor's suitability in the context of given case study

LO4 Critically analyse the different forms of contract required for various elements of a project and  explain the need for good contract practice.

LO5. Develop and apply key requirements of a valid contract and critically evaluate alternative  dispute resolution process

Q2 (OR) 
Q2.1 Determine the type of contract that is applicable for a waste management contract with a  contractor contract focusing on relevant legal principles. 

Q2.2 Critically evaluate in the tendering process from invitation to tender through to the evaluation  and selection of an appropriate waste management contractor. 

Q2.3 Critical evaluate how risk is managed through appropriate clauses in the contract with the  waste contractor and a formal dispute resolution process. 

LO4 Critically analyse the different forms of contract required for various elements of a project and  explain the need for good contract practice.

Q3 (RJM / SE) 
Q3.1. Critically evaluate the risk associated with the waste management contract, identify and  justify a suitable risk management process.  
Q3.2. Develop a risk management plan including mitigation, for the process and risks identified in  Q3.1.  

Q3.3. Discuss and justify how measures of performance will be required with associated benefits  and weaknesses to managing the contract.  

Q3.4 Create a performance measure scorecard with appropriate lead and Lag indicators and  identify how the different measures may conflict or support each other. 

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