7042BMS Evidence Of Ethical Approval And Authentic Data Collection Research Project Coventry University

Published: 27 Jan, 2025
Category Research Project Subject Management
University Coventry University Module Title Evidence Of Ethical Approval And Authentic Data Collection

Assignment Task

Graphical abstract  

A single image should be included that is designed to give the reader an immediate understanding of the message of your independent research project.

The graphical abstract should include the following:

  • A clear start and end, “reading” from top to bottom or left to right.
  • Provide a visual indication of the biological context of the results.
  • Be unique and do not repeat from images you have provided in your results section.
  • Emphasize the new findings from your research project.
  • Must be labeled and titled.

Impact statement 

This section should summarise, in non-technical terms, how the expertise, knowledge, analysis, discovery, or insight presented in your thesis could be used. Looking at the economic and societal impacts try to address:

  • Who might benefit from the research?
  • How might they benefit from this research?


Provide your reader with background information that puts the project into context and allows readers outside of the field to understand the purpose and significance of the study. You should include a critical review of the relevant literature from peer-reviewed journal papers and should include appropriate referencing. You should define the problem addressed, state why it is important, and note any relevant controversies or disagreements in the field. In this section, you must also include a clear hypothesis, aims, and objectives. 
For example 

  • to isolate and culture S. epidermidis from a range of individuals 
  • to optimize a DNA amplification technique (PCR) for use with bacterial DNA 
  • to extract and amplify DNA from bacterial isolates. 
  • to analyze and compare molecular data from different bacterial isolates.
    Dry project example
  • Create a set of keywords relevant to the research question using Boolean operators
  • Create inclusion and exclusion criteria 
  • Search databases like EBSCO, Scopus, and ProQuest.
  • Apply the PRISMA method to screen, remove, and include journal article papers according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria 
  • Conduct a meta-analysis to statistically analyze and combine the findings of the independent research papers.


This section should provide enough detail to allow suitably skilled investigators to fully replicate your study using this information alone and should cite original articles where the protocols are described. It should be presented in a research paper format and should include the following:

  • Detailed information on how raw data was processed, including a detailed description of all statistical tests undertaken.
  • Specify the equipment used and the model as well as any software or chemicals used.
  • Details of specific methods that someone else could follow. For non-laboratory-based projects, include specific details of the type of study you will undertake (e.g. Meta-analysis, systematic review, bioinformatics analysis, etc).
  • If PRISMA is used please describe the steps that someone can follow.
  • For the statistical analysis show the steps and the parameters you used


This section should be presented in research paper format, with a critical use of the data using the appropriate statistical methods to describe the results of the experiments. Figures and tables should be correctly labeled, presented with informative figure legends, and referenced in the main body of the text. Only present analyzed/ processed data (i.e. raw data/ unprocessed is not to be included in this section).


This section should include a detailed interpretation of the results and outline the conclusions that can be drawn from the research. You should state if your aims/ objectives were met and explain how the results relate to your aims/ objectives were met. Relate and discuss what is known in the literature to your research results. Include any future work recommendations and any identified limitations of your work.

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