7013MFH CW1 Digital Transformation, Assignment Brief | Coventry University

Published: 03 Mar, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Business Management
University Coventry University Module Title 7013MFH Digital Transformation
Assignment Title: Creation of a Web Page accompanied by a short Academic Report
Assignment Type: : Individual Portfolio

Assignment Task

You have been employed by an organisation as a marketing analyst to help them with their digital transformation. Your current task is to develop their website. 

Select an organisation of your choice and conduct a marketing analysis emphasising key and contemporary trends. Identify key areas of your chosen enterprise and earmark areas you recommend could be improved to reflect digital transformation and best practice. 

Develop the website and the report, as if this is a report to your organisation’s manager. They already know the organisation, so we are only looking for your justified ideas. 

Write a report (1500 words) where you outline the key steps you took in planning the website, the process of creating it and reflection on the lessons learnt. Ensure your work is properly referenced. Keep an eye on file sizes prior to uploading your document and ensure it has your name and student number. 

Your webpage may function as a microsite, a wireframe, infograph, intranet etc. Your work can take various forms. This can be conveyed as a Powerpoint slide, a Photoshop page (PDF/TIFF), illustrator, or any design oriented software. It is understood that you are not website developers, hence you will be judged on how you have amalgamated your business concerns and analysis non-verbally on the page. 

Assessed Module Learning Outcomes

The Learning Outcomes for this module align to the marking criteria which can be found at the end of this brief. Ensure you understand the marking criteria to ensure successful achievement of the assessment task.

The following module learning outcomes are assessed in this task:

MLO1: Critically appraise the tools and methods with which to leverage digital transformation around product or service offerings
MLO2: Critically analyse digital business models, big data, 3D printing, virtual reality, nanotechnology and digital manufacturing and supply chain management.
MLO3: Produce digital strategies and business models for a future proof organisation.

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