6COM2008 Internet of Things, Assignment, UK

Published: 10 Dec, 2024
Category Assignment Subject Computer Science
University Module Title 6COM2008 Internet of Things, Assignment, UK


You have been hired to design, test, secure, and evaluate an IoT network for a new manufacturing plant aimed at designing and developing Integrated Circuits. The IoT network would ideally connect a clean room in the manufacturing plant to the head office. Due to the sensitivity of the experiments being conducted in the clean room, you have been tasked to create an IoT solution to protect the integrity of the experiment. The scenario can be explained in four tasks. 

 Internet of Things- IoT receiver and IOT Sensor

Task 1 Network Design

One Arduino MKR WAN 1310 will emulate the functionality of the “IoT sensor”, whilst the second will emulate the “IoT Receiver”. The network must adhere to the following requirements. 

a. “IoT sensor” must have the following capabilities.

i. The device must be equipped with a DHT 22 module.
ii. The device must be equipped with a MHR Sensor (TCRT5000).
iii. The device must be equipped with an antenna that is capable of transmitting information.
iv. The device must be compliant with LoRa WAN protocol.

b. “IoT Receiver” must have the following capabilities.

i. The device must be compliant with LoRa WAN protocol.
ii. One L.E.D light (you may use the in-built L.E.D).
iii. The device must be equipped with an antenna that can receive information.

Task 2 Configurations for the Sensor

“IoT sensor” must have the following configurations programmed.
a. A DHT 22 sensor that collects both temperature and humidity.
b. TCRT5000 MHR Sensor that is capable of detecting an intruder.
c. A programmable clock in 24hr format to maintain the time of the day.

i. When an intrusion is registered by the TCRT5000, the sensor must conduct the following.

1. Register that an intrusion had occurred.
2. Print the time it occurred.
3. Print the temperature and the humidity.
4. Encrypt the message using the given Key.
5. Send the aforementioned (Time, Temperature, and humidity) to IoT Receiver.

(Note: Serial Monitor of the sender should not print anything if an intrusion had not been registered)

Task 3 Configurations for the Receiver

“IoT Receiver” must conduct the following to ensure that the communication is secure.

a. A programmable clock to keep the time.
b. Print the time every at every 1s interval and the message, “No Intrusion”.
c. Ability to receive messages from the IoT Sensor.

i. When a message is received, blink the L.E.D to alert the administrator.

d. Use the given key to decrypt the messages sent by the IoT Sensor Sender. - You may use the XOR function to achieve decryption.
e. Display the messages for the Administrator to view

Task 4 Evaluation

1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages that the LoRa WAN protocol provides for the above scenario. Provide introductory information on LoRa, LoRa WAN, Arduino MKR WAN 1310, DHT22, and MHR Sensor TCRT5000.
2. Provide a detailed discussion outlining the use of the above technologies or a subset of them, in an industry or an academic research project. You must provide citations to support claims.
3. “NB IoT and 5G can be used to replace LoRa WAN protocol”. Provide an argument for this. You may accept or reject the hypothesis by providing an evaluation of the three communication protocols/methods for IoT. You must provide citations to support claims.
4. What improvements would you suggest for the above scenario to protect the clean room from intruders? Provide an evaluation of your suggested approach against the existing system.

This Assignment assesses the following module Learning Outcomes:

Successful students will typically:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and a critical understanding of the principles (standards, architectures and interoperability) of loT.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the policies and regulations relating to the loT.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of data security, privacy and trust requirements of loT devices and networks and be aware of solutions.
  1. Be able to design, configure and use loT networks, such as LoRaWAN. 
  2. Be able to design and programme for the Web of Things.
  3. Be able to implement controls to secure an loT infrastructure.
Need help with your 6COM2008 Internet of Things coursework? We’re here to make it easier for you! You’ll be designing, testing, and securing an IoT network for a new manufacturing plant, connecting the clean room to the head office while making sure sensitive experiments are protected. Our expert writers have years of experience and can walk you through each step. Whether you need coursework help, assignment help in the UK, or just some advice, we provide plagiarism-free content and quality help for UK students. Let us help you tackle this assignment with confidence!
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