Category | Assignment | Subject | Marketing |
University | University of Salford Manchester | Module Title | 61800 / 61801 / 61802 Level 7 Individual Simulation Modelling Report |
On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a critical appreciation of international marketing concepts, models, and theories.
2. Demonstrate critical awareness of the implications of cultural diversity and ethical issues for international marketing.
3. Critically appraise segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategies for international markets.
4. Design and adapt the elements of the marketing mix for different international markets.
5. Critically evaluate the use and impact of digital tools in
international marketing.
Transferable Skills and other Attributes
6. Critically apply conceptual and theoretical frameworks relevant to international business management and practice.
7. Locate, synthesise, and evaluate qualitative and quantitative data using appropriate digital tools.
8. Effectively use digital and non-digital means to present ideas, analyse problems and develop and communicate clear and concise insights, conclusions, and recommendations.
9. Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the flexibility that simulation-based approaches provide to managers with regard to coping with risk and other real-world complexities
1. To develop an understanding and critical appreciation of international marketing concepts, models, and theories.
2. To examine the implications of cultural diversity and ethical issues for international marketing.
3. To identify and appraise segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategies for international markets.
4. To examine how the elements of the marketing mix can be designed and adapted for different international markets.
5. To evaluate the use and impact of digital tools in international
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