6042BMS Independent Project in Biomedical Science, Assignment Brief | Coventry University

Published: 03 Mar, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Science
University Coventry University Module Title 6042BMS Independent Project in Biomedical Science
Assignment Title: Thesis (including evidence of authentic data collection and ethical compliance, and reflection on transferrable skills development). 
Word Count (or equivalent)  5000 words 

Assignment Task

The thesis is based on the data collection carried out during the beginning of the semester.

The structure of the thesis should be as follows:

  • Title page
    The template will be available on Aula.
  • Abstract (5%)
    This is an overview of your project and should include brief aspects of background, method, results, and conclusion. Citations and abbreviations should NOT be included.
  • Introduction (10%)
    This section should provide the background and introduction to information relevant to the project. This information should be appropriately referenced throughout, and text should not be copied and pasted from the proposal. This section should end with the aims of the project. Objectives and hypotheses do not need to be included in this section; if they are, however, they will be included as part of the word count for the introduction. You may include figures and tables if appropriate, but these should be referenced as required and relevant to the content of the section.
  • Methods (10%)
    Details of the methods used should be presented in an appropriate scientific format and sufficient detail for the project to be replicated by someone not familiar with the project. Where appropriate methods should be referenced, and manufacturers included. Subheadings should be used where required and presented in a logical order. Please consult with your project supervisor around an appropriate format that is applicable to your project type.
  • Results (20%)
    Descriptive text should be used to describe the results of the project, and figures and tables must be labelled appropriately with titles and legends. Statistical analysis and descriptive statistics should be used to process data where appropriate. Raw data should not be presented in this section but does need to be included in the evidence of data collection section.
  • Discussion (35%)
    Results should be interpreted, analysed and discussed throughout this section. Whilst results will be recapped in parts, this section should not be an extension of the results section, description should be limited. The discussion should consider the results collected during the project and should relate the findings of the project to existing literature and other published research. You are also expected to end this section with a conclusion paragraph that summarises your findings and their relation to the aims of your study. This paragraph should also include any limitations that you encountered during your research, as well as any recommendations for future research that could be explored further.
    • References (10%)
    APA should be used. All references used in the work should be included in the end list. Sources used should be appropriate and a broad range should be utilised.
  • Evidence of data collection (10%)
    This section should include evidence of data collection (this should include raw data, links to consent forms, reflection). Evidence of data collection should be documented and complete. There should be a clear indication of what was carried out throughout the entirety of the project. There should also be a reflective piece that demonstrates an evaluation of your own skills and relationship to employability.

Assessed Module Learning Outcomes

The Learning Outcomes for this module align to the marking criteria which can be found at the end of this brief. Ensure you understand the marking criteria to ensure successful achievement of the assessment task.

The following module learning outcomes are assessed in this task:

  1. Implement a project plan, manage time and resources effectively and record data accurately in accordance with ethical and health and safety requirements.
  2. Analyse, interpret and present project data in appropriate formats and critically evaluate this data in the context of current literature.
  3. Reflect on the skills and competencies developed during the project period and the impact on employability

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