6036BMS Medical Microbiology and Virology, Coventry University, UK

Published: 16 Dec, 2024
Category Assignment Subject Medical
University Coventry University Module Title 6036BMS Medical Microbiology and Virology

Assessment Task

This assessment is a critical evaluation based on an epidemiological topic which must be presented as an online blog. The blog must be able to be understood by a non-specialist audience (general public with basic understanding of science) and can be on an epidemiological topic of your choosing.

  • The blog must be created using WordPress, follow the link below to create your free account (https://coventry.domains/students/)
    • Adjust the privacy settings for the blog so it is only accessible to those with a password.
      Please use the following link (https://coventry.domains/support/docs/decide-whowill-see-your-site/) to change the privacy option to ‘Anyone that visits must first provide this password’ and set a memorable password.
    • Complete the Microsoft Forms survey (https://forms.office.com/e/B0HyFgKLsK) to submit your WordPress URL and password. This will allow the module team to access your blog for marking. Failure to do this may mean we are unable to mark your work
  • Select a research article based on an epidemiological topic to critically evaluate. The article that you choose needs to allow you to critically analyse, interpret and present current epidemiological data relating to a specific typing methodology/ methodologies used for a particular clinically relevant infection or microorganism. Lectures in Weeks 3 and 4 covering Public Health Epidemiology and Intervention will provide you with the basic knowledge you will need to support you with your selection. Your online blog needs to use language that is professional but accessible to a non-specialist audience.
  • The word limit for this assessment is 1000 words

Module Learning Outcomes:

The Learning Outcomes for this module align to the marking criteria which can be found at the end of this brief. Ensure you understand the marking criteria to ensure successful achievement of the assessment task. The following module learning outcomes are assessed in this task: This assessment is designed to assess Learning Outcomes 1 and 3 of the module:

  • LO1: Apply knowledge of clinically relevant microorganisms to explain and evaluate pathogenesis, screening, diagnosis, treatment and epidemiology.
  • LO3: Critically analyse, interpret and present epidemiological data including typing methodologies relating to infections and infectious disease.

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