5X7V0033 Department of Marketing, International Business and Tourism Assessment Brief 2024/2025

Published: 04 Mar, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Business
University Manchester Metropolitan University Module Title 5X7V0033 RUX – Rich User Experience

Key task and word count (or equivalent): 

For this assignment, you take on the role of content creator of a rich user experience in  the form of a video storyboard for your client. Your storyboard will be supported by an  Empathy Canvas Map and you will submit a ‘Critical Decision Log’ to explain and defend how you have used the theories, models and concepts of RUX to create your storyboard and Empathy Canvas Map.  

Your client for this assignment should be a brand/service/product of your choice, which reflects at least one of the 17 UN Sustainability Goals. You are positively encouraged to  choose a brand from your home country to work on.  

Page count: Maximum 8 x single sides of A4, made up of:  

• 1 x storyboard (6 x single sides of A4 landscape maximum)  

• 1 Empathy Canvas Map (1 x single side of A4 landscape maximum)  • 1 x Critical Decision Log (2 x single side of A4 portrait maximum)

Module Learning Outcomes: 

1. Distinguish and apply principles of rich user experience 

2. Create a rich user experience asset 

3. Critically evaluate rich user experience

This assessment will contribute to the achievement of the following Programme

Learning Outcomes:  

PLO1: Our graduates will apply critical thinking to practical and theoretical problems 

1.1.1 Identify and interrogate relevant data and literature sources using methods  appropriate to level of study and discipline 

PLO2: Our graduates will be effective communicators using a range of media 

2.1.1 Organise work in a logical structure to draw conclusions that follow from line  of argument 

2.1.2 Apply consistent and appropriate referencing in text and citations 2.1.3 Demonstrate digital skills appropriate to level and to discipline

What you need to do and submit for this assignment 

Firstly, choose the brand you would like to work on for this assignment. You are positively  encouraged to choose a brand from your home country. The brand you choose must  reflect at least one of the 17 UN Sustainability Goals You should discuss and check the  brand you want to work on with your Tutor.  

There are THREE (3) tasks you must do for this assignment:-  

1: Create an Empathy Canvas Map 

• One side of A4 (landscape) maximum.  

• Your Empathy Canvas Map should clearly reflect your target audience for your  proposed rich user video experience.  

• Make sure you present your Empathy Canvas Map to a professional, client-facing  standard. Using Canva (as per the examples provided) is strongly encouraged.  There will be plenty of opportunity to develop your work and receive feedback  during the weekly tutorials 

• Citations, References and Appendices are not required for this task. 2: Create a Storyboard

• 6 x single sides of A4 maximum. Landscape or Portrait, depending on the  design/layout style you choose.  

• The storyboard must feature scene sketches/visuals and an outline script as  required and practiced in tutorials. Although you are not making your video, it is  important to include any spoken as well as visual and sound elements. The  template provides you with a guide to what you must include. The examples  provided will give you a clear idea of the submission layout and standard required. 

• Your storyboard should include a scene-by-scene breakdown featuring a visual  and a brief summary of the action and voice-over/actor’s words if necessary.  Timestamp your scenes too. There will be plenty of opportunity to develop your  work and receive feedback during the weekly tutorials. 

• Use the storyboard template provided as guidance. However, creativity is  positively encouraged on this unit, so you should use Canva as per the examples  provided.  

• Make sure you present your storyboard in a professional manner, to a client facing standard – i.e. screen grabs or sketches should be legible and pin sharp,  your font size should use a minimum 10pt, SANS SERIF font. Using Canva (as per  the examples provided) is strongly encouraged. 

• Citations, References and Appendices are not required for this task.  3: Write a Critical Decision Log 

• 2 x single sides of A4 maximum 

• The Critical Decision Log should explain and evaluate how and why you have  created your Empathy Canvas Map and RUX storyboard. This should demonstrate  your ability to defend your thinking and design choices, according to the theories,  models and concepts of RUX that have informed and inspired this module.  

• Please use the Critical Decision Log template provided.  

• Please use Cite Them Right Harvard to format your citations and references. 

How to format your work 

• Please use the templates provided to help you with your initial drafts. • Please refer to the examples provided for inspiration. 

• A cover page and contents page are not required.

• Please use Cite Them Right Harvard to format your citations and references. 

• Where you use A.I. to generate visuals, then you must identify them. Please  complete the A.I. Literacy module on RISE Using A.I. correctly, ethically and  responsibly on this module will be incorporated in tutorials. 

• You are positively encouraged to use Canva to design and layout your work to a  professional, client-facing standard. Make sure the written elements are easy to  read and accessible. Make sure all your visual elements are pin sharp.  

• Upload one PDF featuring all three tasks to the TurnitIn link. (See ‘How to submit  your work’ below).  

How to submit your work  

• Locate the TurnitIn submission link in the ‘Assessments’ section on Moodle. 

• Please combine all three tasks into one PDF document and upload via the TurnitIn  link, in the Assessment section on Moodle.  

• Use on these links for guidance on how to convert to PDF and combine: Convert  Canva to PDF and How to combine files into one Adobe PDF document 

Assessment Support  

• Assignment guidance and practice is built into the timetabled lectures and tutorial  sessions throughout the 10-weeks of learning on this module. This will help you  develop your confidence and knowledge in the academic and practical skills  required.  

• A Module Learning Framework is signposted on the Moodle page, giving you a  week-by-week guide to what you will need to focus on and prepare each week.  This allows you to plan your study time effectively and build your confidence as a  Masters Level learner. 

• Templates, a checklist and examples are provided to help you benchmark the  quality of your submission.  

• The grading rubric on page 8 gives clear indication of the requirements and  standard required. Use this to benchmark your submission too. 

• Using A.I. correctly, ethically and responsibly on this module will be incorporated  in tutorials. You must also complete the A.I. Literacy module on RISE  

• Your Module Leader / Tutor will be available for 1-2-1 discussion about your  assignment. See Moodle to book a meeting. 

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