5X7V0031 Digital Measurement & Evaluation Assignment Brief | MMU

Published: 01 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Law
University Manchester Metropolitan University Module Title 5X7V0031: Digital Measurement & Evaluation

Unit Learning Outcomes:

1. Design and develop a strategic digital evaluation methodology

2. Critically evaluate data from a range of analytical tools 

3. Evaluate ethical and sustainable practices in the use of digital marketing data

This assessment will contribute to the achievement of the following Programme  Learning Outcomes:

1.1.1 Identify and interrogate relevant data and literature sources using methods  appropriate to level of study and to discipline

2.1.1 Organise work in a logical structure in order to draw conclusions that follow from  line of argument

2.1.2 Apply consistent and appropriate referencing and in text citations  2.1.3 Demonstrate digital skills appropriate to level and to discipline

3.1.1 Recognise, explore, and reflect on key ethical issues as they affect own and others’  practice 

3.1.2 Recognise, explore and reflect upon corporate social responsibility and sustainability  issues as they affect different stakeholders.

Assignment Details and Instructions 

You will create one individual report of which there are two elements where marks are  awarded:

1. The client report (90%) - to use data you have analysed to determine the client's performance and propose a new strategy (Part 1, 2 and 3)

2. Completion of GA4 Certification (10%) - to ensure you have the skills to analyse  the data (Appendices) 

The client for this report will be provided for you.

Part 1: Use data visualisation techniques to highlight key data and trends that are relevant  to the client’s goal (1 page A4)

• Your summary should state a client goal  

• Your summary should highlight any significant information, trends or performance  gaps in relation to the client's goal 

• You should describe and visualise the trends, information and performance gaps in  the data in a clear and understandable way. Screenshots of any data in GA4 should  go into an appendix at the end of the assignment 

• To demonstrate masters level thinking you must critically evaluate the data. By this,  we mean you should compare trends in the data to industry benchmarks. You should  pay particular close attention to any performance gaps the client may have • You should reference this section using credible academic sources 

• You should cite data in your appendices as evidence for this section  • This section should include an introduce and finish with a concluding summary

Part 2: Propose and justify a new web analytics strategy for measuring performance for  the client that contains new recommended KPIs. The new strategy must help the client  achieve their goal (2 pages A4)  

• You should use the formal measurement framework RACE (an optional template will  be provided for you) to underpin your strategy

• Your measurement framework should clearly highlight how any performance gaps,  from part 1, will be addressed. To do this you will need to recommend and justify a  series of KPIs that will bridge any gaps in data. By this we mean your justifications  should state why your chosen KPIs are appropriate for each part of the strategy
• You should also state a SMART objective for each stage of your analytics strategy

• To demonstrate masters level thinking you must critique your choices. By this, we  mean:
o You must explain what other KPIs you have considered but discarded  

o You must explain what possible issues and risks there are with your selected  KPI’s 

• You should reference this section using credible academic sources

Part 3: Discuss the limitations of your web analytics strategy in relation to the current  ethical and sustainable practice of digital marketing data (1 page A4)

• You should describe the issues in data collection underpinning your  measurement framework

• You can choose to either consider issues that affect the EU or you can choose to  consider issues outside of the EU

You should consider:

• What are the most pressing contemporary ethical and sustainable issues relating  to the tracking, reporting and storing of performance data in or outside of the  EU, and why?

• How is data collection from part 2 affected?

• You should describe how marketers should deal with these challenges in a  sustainable way I.e. future focused best practice
• This discussion should be justified fully with credible academic sources 

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