5BUS1201-090 Managing innovation and change in a contemporary business organisation

Published: 10 Feb, 2025
Category Coursework Subject Business
University ......... Module Title 5BUS1201-090 Leading Innovation and Change

Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding assessed in this assignment:

  • Critically assess how innovation and change is influenced by diversity, organisational context and society

Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes assessed in this assignment:

  • Lead collaborative approaches to problem solving, communicating effectively across teams.

Assignment Title: Managing innovation and change in a contemporary business organisation

Description of the assignment, task, content and structure:

The world is experiencing a dynamic change in technology, economics and societies. Every organisation needs to remain relevant to its marketplace and stakeholders if it wishes to survive and grow. In addition, it needs to adapt to an ever-changing environment and be able to take advantage of opportunities as they arise.

Continuous innovation through new ideas, products/services and practices are needed to provide firms with a sustainable competitive advantage. An important task of leadership is to identify new realities (key driving forces for change) facing an organisation and to accept, adopt and implement innovative changes in their business according to the changing trends, technologies, customer preferences and future concerns.

Choose one of the global brands (e.g., Tesla, Unilever, Diageo etc).
Investigate and critically assess new realities (key driving forces for change), the opportunities and challenges the organisation is or could be facing. Explore the innovation space that the organisation is currently in and evaluate how they could create new strategic advantage through innovation. You must identify at least two and no more than three new realities.

Your Group is required to produce a 10/15-minute presentation (a poster, power point or any innovative and creative presentation format is welcomed) and a report which satisfies the HBS academic group report criteria. The report structure and content should be presented as if it is a consultancy report to be submitted to your chosen organisation.

Overall Instructions:

  • New Realities (key driving forces for change), for example political, environmental, technological, or demographic issues or opportunities should stand out so that reader can identify causal influences on changing trends in the environment.

  • You must use theories, models or tools taught in this module to analyse the organisation’s current innovative space and to justify any future innovation opportunities and/or recommendations you will make.

  • You are required to research and reference sources and use additional information that is up to date to justify your argument.

  • Remember there is no clear-cut template for all the activities that an organisation must do for continuous innovation to occur. Even though there are commonly used innovation tools, every company has their own strategy, organisational structure and culture for innovation. Innovation is also often unstructured and requires people to focus on free thinking, creativity, brainstorming, and alternative analyses.

  • For the Individual Reflective Report Part 3, you are required to reflect on your group work journey and think about: 
  • How experience from this journey helped you to develop and enhance communication, teamwork and collaboration skills?
  • What have you done to enhance the social and learning experiences of your fellow students in this teamwork?
  • What have your fellow students done to enhance your social and learning experiences in this teamwork?
  • You must submit both your presentation slides/poster and the report after the presentation to the Module Assignment portal on the 8th of November 2024 and reflective report on the 13th of November 2024 .

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