4001MHR Data Skills for Business Assignment CU

Published: 05 Mar, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Business
University Coventry University Module Title Data Skills for Business


1. Why Data is so important for businesses nowadays?


1.1. The Process (workflow) to analyse data and to make business decisions.


2. Data management within the organization

[Explain the management of data internally in the industry/business you will focus.]

2.1. Data Management

[Explain Data Management]

2.2. Data contributing to the Manufacturing/Production

[Explain data management from the business Manufacturing/Production side when producing a product to the point of reaching to the consumer side.]

3. Data management coming from outside of the organization.

3.1. Data that influence new Customers through Digital marketing.

[Specify the usage of Data to influence new customers thought Digital Marketing and which are the channels to reach out to them.]

3.2 Data to influence returning customers through Digital marketing.

[Specify the usage of Data to influence returning customers thought Digital Marketing and which are the channels to reach out to them.]


  • Introduce yourself by acknowledging you are enrolled in a specific course at Coventry University, semester and you are taking the Data Skills for Business module.
  • Explain the purpose of this research is to analyze data related to which factors influence customers on purchasing decisions the product you created.
  • Explain there are 7 to 10 questions on the survey.
  • Guarantee that any personal detailed information will not be asked. The data will only be used and analyzed for academic purposes and will be carefully stored on a password protected drive. Include the time the survey will take 7 to 10 minutes maximum.
  • Address that the participation is voluntary and at any time the participant can withdraw. There are not incentives from participating in this research survey.

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