1912 Sustainable Tourism Practices Innovative Sustainable Expo

Published: 03 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University University of Birmingham Module Title 1912 Sustainable Tourism Practices.

Assignment Task

Create a fifteen-minute presentation that discusses the meaning of the term “Sustainable Tourism”, evaluates the barriers to the implementation of Sustainable Tourism in Madagascar and identifies, then justifies, two innovative sustainable tourism policies to be implemented by a tourism organization in Madagascar. 

Question 1: What is the meaning of Sustainable Tourism? Provide definitions from different time frames evidencing the evolution of this term; Include key models and frameworks to discuss the term.

Question 2: What are the challenges facing the implementation of Sustainable Tourism in Madagascar? Consider environmental, economic, societal, political, and technological barriers. How much of a barrier are they? What obstacle do these barriers create?     

Question 3: Create and justify two innovative sustainable practices that work to achieve two UNWTO Sustainable Development Goals. One innovative sustainable practice per one UNWTO Sustainable Development Goal. 

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the key characteristics of sustainable tourism practices.
  • Apply sustainable tourism standards to various tourism contexts.
  • Showcase innovative sustainable practices of tourism businesses and destinations.

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