1803NRS Demonstrate Understanding of the Value of Reflective Practice in Nursing

Published: 27 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Nursing
University Griffith University Module Title 1803NRS Foundations of Professional Nursing

Assignment Aim:

This assessment aims to demonstrate an understanding of the value of reflective practice in nursing. This written assignment is scheduled early in the Bachelor of Nursing program so you can build on your strengths and address any identified deficits (weaknesses). 

This assessment item will assess Learning Outcome 1: Describe reflective practice and its importance in nursing. In module 2, topic 2 of your course, you have explored: 

  • The importance and benefits of reflection in nursing – the ‘What’ 
  • The link between ‘self-awareness’ and ‘professional self-monitoring’ – the ‘Why’ 
  • Strategies for developing reflective practice skills – the ‘How’ 

Assignment Task:

  • For this task, you will write an 850-word essay about reflective practice. In your essay you need to: 1. Introduce the topic of your essay and identify the aim (approx. 50 words). 

  • Define and describe reflective practice, then discuss two (2) reasons why reflective practice is important to the role of the Registered Nurse. Use at least three scholarly literature sources to support  your discussion
  •  Identify a reflective practice model (from Module 2.2 content) and briefly describe the steps of the model. Use at least three scholarly sources to write your description.
  • Apply your identified reflective practice model to a learning experience or situation that has occurred in your own life (go through the steps). Discuss what you gained from this experience and reflect on not only what you could have done differently but also what you did well (approx. 300 words). You can use the pronoun “I” in this section, i.e., you can write in the “first person”, but only in this section of the essay.  

  • Write a conclusion that summarises the overall essay, without introducing any new information or  references.

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