Top Reflective Essay Examples for Inspired Writing

30 Sep, 2024
Author : Vipul Jain

Essays are essential for learning. Reflective essays are essays where you write about your life experiences, basically self-reflection essays. Writing about yourself and your experiences might sound easy but it is not. Essay writing requires a good outline and structure to be written properly. Diving into your memory lane is a big task and writing about it professionally is an even bigger task. There are many reflective writing essay examples to look for.

What is Reflective Essay Writing?

Reflective writing means when you write about your experience in life through self-reflection. Here the person looks into the memories and presents the views by creating a reflective paper. Although reflective essays are written in person and real experiences they can be made up too. Using an online essay helper you can write essays.

Tone and Structure of Writing

Reflective is based on personal experiences so the tone of writing is also individual. The essays are written from a first-person point of view. The reflective essays show signs of growth and discovery to the readers throughout the process. Reflective essay examples can help a lot.

The tone might be different but the outline and structure stay the same. Starting with a great hook and a good introduction. Don’t give too much information to the reader and give a quick reflection on the topic. Moving towards the essay body, start sharing your personal experiences. Summarize the essay with a good conclusion. For writing an assignment get assignment help.

Reflective Writing Essay Example for Students

This is a reflective writing example essay for students to write a reflective essay. Reflective essay examples for middle and high school students to learn how to write a reflective essay. An essay help service can help me with my assignment.

My Younger Brother

In the journey of life, many experiences can be proved as life-changing. At one time or another, we experience things for the first time and every experience is a new one. Be it a good experience or a bitter one, every instance changes life accordingly. However, out of all the experiences I had, the life-changing one was when my brother was born. 

Joey is my younger brother and my parents don’t hesitate calling him a good accident. When my mother was pregnant with Joey, I was 14 years old and my second brother was 9 years old. We four were a good family. 

We four were a happy and well-rounded family and fit into the perfection classification in every way. We had no idea that we were missing out on something until Joey was born with his hazel eyes.

Honestly speaking, I was not very happy about my mom being pregnant at the age of 40 due to life risks and health conditions. I was not happy with another sibling and was happy with four of us.

My mom’s pregnancy was not an easy one, it was very tough and complicated, and as a 14-year-old boy seeing all this every day was not ok at all. I had the toughest times dealing with all the situations of our family and my mother. However, I overcame this hard time and was back to my normal mind state.

The day Joey was about to come into this world, my mother held my hand and took me to the hospital with her. This happened because my dad and my brother were sick and my mom chose me to be with her that day.

Being present there with her in the labor room and seeing all the ups and downs of her emotions taught me something really important that day. I learned how powerful a woman can be even when she is in her weakest moments. Holding her hands being with her and feeling what she is going through taught me that I gained a special bond with her that day that I was missing or maybe lacking.

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Reflective Writing Example Essay for Professionals

This is an example of a reflective essay for professionals. Also, there are many reflective essay examples where assignment helpers can help.

My Experience as a Writer

When I took this English course, I was extremely scared of getting failed. I never thought of myself as a good writer. It is because I was scared of the fact that I always had trouble putting my mind on paper. However, this English course was so enlightening and scary at the same time. This course made me confident about writing and taught me how to write and structure my thoughts. 

The writing process taught me to not focus mainly on the writing part and also not on the structure or the organization. This helped me focus on putting out my thoughts in a relaxing way without worrying about the other factors. With this course, I found what I wanted to write and what I shouldn’t worry about.

I wrote about my experience as a writer in the form of an essay. However, I received my grades from the English course where my teacher commented that I did write my essay in several paragraphs but it’s not completely a reflective essay. An essay should include an introduction paragraph, a body, and a conclusion. This was the time when I realized I didn’t know how to write a proper essay or how to be a writer. 

Earlier during my school days I used to call out for the spellings only which was fine but later on in life I understood I didn’t know the basics of writing. So, I write my essays and send them to a writing center. The center helped me step by step on how to write a proper essay. They taught me what I was doing or writing wrong and pointed out my mistakes to help me learn even better.

Reflective Essay Example on Personal Growth Journey

It is an example of reflective personal growth journey essay that teaches students how to write reflective essays. Also, essay writers can write my essay for me.

Personal Growth Journey

When we enter the world our life journey begins and it continues till the day we die. From being a baby to being an adult we grow up with a journey. Also, we enter into other’s journeys as well to play a small or a big part. Every journey gives us a new shape and a new meaning to life. Participation in different journeys lets us know that we are growing every day. 

Certain things have an impact on our lives. Love, pain, sacrifice, and time are those things. Although we don’t see how these words impact our daily lives eventually they do. But have you ever wondered how we grow with them? When we dive into love and go through the unbearable pain, we learn and we grow. This is what makes us all different from each other. The way to take things from life and go with them. These journeys are what we need to go through how because we have one life and we need to stay and grow and prove ourselves.

There are many personal growth books that I have read so far and have gained immense knowledge about life and growth. One of the books that I have read taught me how to stand against injustice and fight against the odds to achieve justice. In the book, there is this person who talks and fights against injustice and racism. Reading this made me realize an important factor or a backdrop of our society that racism still exists.

There’s another book where a boy who is not tall enough when he ended up losing a basketball game. The boy’s mom asks him to put something in his shoes and he will become taller. He removed the thing from his shoes and realized he was the same height as before. The boy’s father told him that being tall might let you play better but with your determination, you can achieve whatever you wish to. In the next game, the boy scored a basket and realized his father was right. 

I found the book relatable as I went through the same situation a few years ago and this book taught me that time that I can achieve things if I work for them and not just sitting praying and getting disappointed.

Self-growth is something we have in our hands only, we just need to learn what to do and when to do it for ourselves.

Academic Learning Reflective Essay Example

This is an academic learning example reflective essay for students to learn from. My essay writing can become easy with essay helpers.

My Academic Fieldwork Experience

Working in academic fields is daunting and challenging. I’m this because I have been through such an incident in my life. When I was doing my master’s degree, I had to conduct a hands-on fieldwork experience. Although I had a tough time doing everything in the end it was a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. I made mistakes and learned from them. 

To conduct my research I realized certain things about incorporating primary data into my research. However, it was tough for me as the topic I chose had a very small amount of data to work on. So I began using sources of qualitative data so that I could validate my research. 

I started researching by conducting interviews and surveys and targeting the government and the lower classes. I prepared my closed and open-ended questions to perform and begin the research work. 

Both the groups answered differently, the government people answered sensitively and carefully as the political field is sensitive. However, the lower classes answered my questions in a very descriptive manner to show what they were going through and what they wished the government to do for them.

The lower class had my trust as they believed in me and they knew I would provide some solution to their problems. So, they started answering properly and provided me with some great insights that I needed for my academic research.

The fieldwork experience process was for me a roller coaster as whatever looks easy is not that easy. I learned many things but most importantly I learned that nothing goes as planned and you should know how to deal with such situations. I wasted some of the important days and time researching things that provided me with nothing in the end. However, some days went fully satisfying as I got what I was searching for. 

It is all a matter of experience and what you get out of that learning.

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Reflective Essay Example on Career Development

This is a reflective example of career development for learners. Students can get the best essay writing service for writing better.

My Career Development Journey

One of the important aspects of my career is getting education and skill enhancement. I have participated in many academic workshops and training programs and gained academic degrees as well. What I did for my career development was that I sorted out my priorities to learn and expand my experience. 

These workshops and training programs not only enhanced my theoretical knowledge but my skills as well. Also made me relevant to the job market. Learning and growing continuously made me more curious and adaptable and put professional success qualities.

The next thing I did for my career development was create networks in the professional fields. I started building connections with my mentors, and industry experts, and they all provided me with the best career opportunities and guided me throughout. 

Networking and building connections let you learn from their experiences and one can gain useful insights into the industries as well. Being a part of a professional industry kept me updated and related to the trends and job opportunities for my career growth.

Career development journeys never come easy. My career development journey was also very easy and without any obstacles. Like everyone else, I also faced many challenges, uncertainties, and rejections. However, what I did to develop and grow my career was that I made these challenges my learning opportunities. Every rejection of an obstacle made me learn something different. 

Lastly, I would say, my career development journey has been very fulfilling and rewarding. This journey made me realize the potential I have in myself to be a successful person after going through so many hindrances. My continuous priorities of education and networking with others made me a confident person who can face any career challenge.

Impact of a Good Reflective Essay Example

If you know How To Write descriptive essay or a reflective essay with reflective essay examples can help students with multiple things. Essay examples help with how to write a good reflective essay and also help the writer share his thoughts and life experiences. 

A good reflective essay example impacts in multiple ways such as:

Reflective Essay Example Impact
Guides the Writer When you write an essay, you are the writer and you need some thoughts and inspiration on how to write clearly with a good structure and organization. This can help you guide what you should write and what you shouldn’t. A good essay example guides the writer. Get an essay helper to learn more.
Inspires the Reader When a reflective essay is written with a good example, it helps both the writer and the reader. The writer can present his thoughts and experiences and the reader can take inspiration from it about how to write a good reflective essay.
Boosts Academic and Professional Skills A good reflective essay example helps you learn how to boost your academic skills such as writing, learning, and reading. However, it also teaches you how to be professional as well. When you write professionally there are things you need to keep in mind about the structure of the essay writing and organization. These things you learn from a good essay example. It provides the best tips for students to write a great essay.


For inspired writing, there are many examples of reflective essay, that students or learners can take inspiration from. Reflective is an important essay type and writers should know how to write it properly. There are certain things that examples of reflective essays teach such as guiding the writer, inspiring the reader, and boosting academic and professional skills. Get online assignment help or essay help with online services.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some topics for a good reflective essay: 1. My first achievement 2. My role model 3. My best friend. 4. Overcoming my fears. 5. Favorite book

To start reflective essay examples, start writing with a good quotation or a line to grab the reader’s attention.

A reflective essay format is just like any other essay format. It includes an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The difference is the tone and the way of writing. To write a good assignment or essay het assignment help online.

Developing a perspective in an essay and linking your experiences and understanding different perspectives to your own.

A reflective essay should have 2-4 paragraphs where you explain, evaluate, and analyze your thoughts. Writing an assignment or essay becomes easy with assignment help.

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Hi, I am the founder of Workingment, an academic writing services. I have contributed my writing skills and experience with my experts to the UK students to get higher grades. My goal is to help those students who have been facing many type of challenges while writing their writing project.

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